Ramadan / Eid

All the Ramadan and Eid related Articles – from Free printable lists to Reflections and poems.

26 English Letter Crafts for Muslim Kids

26 muslimaat came together to bring you DIY ideas on how to make English letters come to life. Everyone chose one letter from the...

The Don’ts of Mosque Manners

10 Mosque etiquettes explained with a tinge of halal humor along with a relevant hadith. Things not to do in the masjid - especially this Ramadan when you go for taraweeh. (images by Zed and Q)

Ka’bah Crafts to Try with Kids (2D Kaaba activities)

kabah crafts to do with kids
Scholars have differences of opinion in terms of Kaaba models. Hence I have only included 2D crafts in this blogpost. The Ka'bah (Arabic: ٱلْكَعْبَة, lit. 'The Cube') is a building...

An Aayah a Day for Muslim Kids (+FREE printable)

This post is sponsored by Muslim Kids TV - Use code: AYEINA for 20% discount. PREVIOUS POST: A GOOD DEED A DAY FOR MUSLIM KIDS...

Children’s Ultimate Eid Gift Guide – For Every Personality Type

This post is sponsored by Anafiya There’s nothing like seeing the smile on your kid’s face as they open their gifts on Eid morning after...

5 Reasons Why We Will Be Celebrating Eid Like A Party This Year

This post is sponsored by eidparty.co.uk Article By Riz | Eid Party   This year, more than 1 billion Muslims around the world will be celebrating Eid...

Letter to a Muslim Mum – You’re Not Alone!

#AlhamdulillahForSeries gratitude journal, Arabic for kids without music, ayeina, controlling anger, Islamic parenting, Music free Islamic cartoons, Quran Academy, raising grateful kids, raising practicing Muslim kids, bilal memon, lisa zahran, quran memorization app, raising young believers, raise productive muslims, tarbiyyah, obedient muslim children, confident mini muslims, raising good kid, muslim homeschooling, mercy towards children, justice among siblings, islamic education for kids, islamic material for children's education, dear muslim mum, you're not alone, dear mum, motherhood, muslim mummy, muslimah mother, islamic mum group
Dear Muslim Mum, what part of your spirituality & motherhood makes you feel alone? Share it with us & witness mothers from around the world come for your support <3

Best Ramadan & Eid Deals From Muslim Brands In 2021

This post is sponsored by barakahdeals.com Article By Team Barakah Deals Ramadan/Eid Decor Decorating your home with beautiful Ramadan decor is a brilliant way to get the...

6 Ways To Fast Beyond Food‏

Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun, tuhibbul-'afwa, fa'fu 'anni O Allah, You are Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive me, free dua list printable, dua diary, productivity journal, dua journal, gratitude journal, dua, complete list of duas in Quran, Secrets of an Accepted Dua, rayeesa tabassum, guest writer, make dua for others, best times to make dua, reference of ahadith, Visionaire Online, dream duas, effective supplications, masnoon duas, doa, supplicate to Allah, Ya Allah, du'aa
This Ramadan, let's fast beyond food through fasting of thoughts, eyes, tongue, heart, hands and feet! Because fasting is more than just an empty stomach!

Healing a Wounded Heart…

samina farooq photography stone water ripples
You ask, and He gives. You trip, and He sets you right. You fall, and He picks you up. You are lost, and He guides you. You deny Him, and He still provides you. You cry, and He consoles you. You are dubious, and He fixes your heart.