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See how we have been using it with the kids in our highlights: #mannerspack for a more in-depth look.
This is a board book pack for little kids inspired by the following ahadith:
The Prophet (ﷺ) was asked: ‘What most admits people to Paradise?’ He said: ‘Piety and good manners.’ …[Sunan Ibn Majah 4246]
Teaching Islamic manners to young children is a fundamental aspect of raising them to become good Muslims. Remember, first comes Ta’deeb (manners) and then ta’leem (education). In Islam, manners (aadaab) are not merely for social acceptance in this dunya but an integral part of our life after this dunya. Instilling these values from an early age lays a strong foundation for a child’s spiritual and moral development.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Nothing will be heavier on the Day of Resurrection in the Scale of the believer than good manners…” [Riyad as-Salihin 625]
Teaching children good manners is not only about ensuring they behave appropriately but also about helping them develop a strong connection with Allah – doing good for His sake instead of doing it for worldly gains. This helps maintain their authenticity – which is crucial for a strong self-identity as a Muslim.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “The most perfect believer in respect of faith is he who is best of them in manners.” [Sunan Abi Dawud 4682]
Through role modeling, storytelling, interactive learning, positive reinforcement, and consistent reminders, these values can be instilled effectively. As these young individuals grow, the manners taught in their early years will guide their actions and interactions, helping them lead lives that are pleasing to Allah and beneficial to themselves and their communities.

This Islamic manners pack consists of 3 board books of 6×6 inches:
1) I say “Bismillah” for blessings
2) I say “Salam” for greetings
3) I say “JazakAllah Khair” for thanking
Following are the three books in this bilingual pack (based on one of the very few words that kids get to learn and speak):
I say “Bismillah” for blessings
Let’s join Khalid in his journey of bringing blessings into his life with “Bismillah”. Through cute illustrations and real-life situations, children will learn to say “Bismillah” before eating, playing, and starting new activities. This book shows the importance of beginning everything in the name of Allah.
Each page encourages kids to practice saying “Bismillah” naturally, making it a part of their daily routine. By repeating “Bismillah” in both English and Arabic phrases, children will become comfortable with this essential act of bringing barakah into their lives.
I say “Salam” for greeting
Let’s join Ibrahim in promoting peace with the beautiful greeting, “Salam”. Through fun illustrations and real-life scenarios, children will learn to say “Assalaam u alaikum” inside the home and outside of it. This book shows the power of a simple greeting in spreading love, respect, and harmony.
Each page encourages kids to practice saying “Salam” naturally, making it a part of their daily routine. By repeating Salam in both English and Arabic phrases, children will become comfortable with this essential act of kindness.
I say “JazakAllah Khair” for thanking
Let’s join Nusaybah on an exciting journey of expressing gratitude with the heartfelt dua, “JazakAllah khair”. Through engaging illustrations and real-life events, children will learn to say “JazakAllah khair” when receiving kindness, gifts, or help from others. This book emphasizes the importance of acknowledging Allah’s blessings and the kindness of others through gratitude.
Each page encourages kids to practice saying “JazakAllah khair” naturally, making it a part of their daily interactions. By repeating “JazakAllah khair” in both English and Arabic phrases, children will understand when and how to appreciate the generosity of others.
It was narrated that Usamah bin Sharik said: “I saw the Bedouins asking the Prophet (ﷺ): “…‘O Messenger of Allah, what is the best thing that a person may be given?’” He ﷺ said: ‘Good manners.’” [Sunan Ibn Majah 3436]
Children learn by observing. Parents and educators must exemplify good manners in their daily interactions. Demonstrating kindness, patience, and respect in your behaviour sets a powerful example. Sharing stories from the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his companions can be very impactful as well. These stories highlight exemplary behaviour and provide practical lessons in manners.
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “…I guarantee a house in the highest part of Jannah for one who has good manners.” [Riyad as-Salihin 629]
Acknowledging and praising children when they display good manners reinforces positive behavior. Simple rewards and verbal affirmations can motivate children to continue practicing good manners. Whenever you lay down to read these books at night or open them in the morning, it’s important to let kids have discussions with you about manners and their significance in Islam – which can keep these values at the forefront of a child’s mind. May Allah help us raise children who have amazing aadaab and may they weigh heavy on their (and our) scales in the aakhirah.
Reviews of the manners pack for Children