26 muslimaat came together to bring you DIY ideas on how to make English letters come to life. Everyone chose one letter from the English alphabet and did a craft related to it. This article is an ongoing series hence we’ll be doing these collaborative crafts every year before Ramadan in shaa Allah. This year the theme is “ABC words of Islam” and next year, it could be something else, but I hope this annual collaboration with other bloggers and creatives helps you spin your own creative ideas to help your kids engage with the beauty of Islam.
1) A = Ablution
@moonliteangelofficial made a craft for the letter A.
Materials needed for the craft: Cardboard box, cutter, tissue rolls, scissors, paper strip, markers, and glue.
What to do: Visual instructions can be found HERE.

2) B = Belief
@brb_raisingkids made a craft for the letter B.
Materials needed for the craft: Cardboard, jute/twine, puncher
What to do: Cut 4 circles from cardboard (each measuring 3-4cm smaller than the previous piece). Lay your circles from smallest to largest. Create your cover from the smallest circle. Then in order write one name per circle – a) Tawheed Ar Ruboobiyah b) Tawheed Al Uloohiyah c) Tawheed Al Asmaa Wa Sifaat. Turn each circle over and write the definition of each category. Punch holes at the top of each circle then tie with twine.

3) C = Charity
@missinkuisitive made a craft for the letter C.
Materials needed for the craft: Cardboard, Plastic sheets, PVA glue, exacto knife, poster paint
What to do: Choose your preferred lantern shape and trace out one side of it onto cardboard 4 times and a base for it. Trace out nice shapes to cut out for the charity money to show through. Trace and cut out a slot for the money to be deposited. Place plastic sheets to cover those shapes from the inside. Once you cut out all the sides of the lantern, glue the edges together. Once the glue is dry you can paint the jar any colour adding glitter if you like.

4) D = Deeds
@she_lives_her_life made a craft for the letter D.
Materials needed for the craft: Cardboard, Plastic container, String, Beads/counters, Small wooden dowel, Crafting knife, Glue gun
What to do: Cut 3 or 4 strips of cardboard (approx 12 inches tall and 2 inches wide) for the main stem of the scaleGlue them together to give strength (leaving a small gap near the top)Glue onto a cardboard base. Cut another strip of cardboard (12-13 inches long) for the scale arm. Pierce a hole on either end of the scale arm and in its centre, and one in the top centre of the main stem. Thread a short wooden dowel stick through the stem and arm to hold them together, and glue on a bead at the end of the dowel. Thread some string through the holes on either end of the arms and attach the plastic container to each side

5) E = Eid
@aayshas.montessori made a craft for the letter E.
Materials needed for the camel softie: Two wooden sticks, Cardstock/cardboard, Thin paper, Decorations or prints of your choice, scissors.
What to do: To make a winding scroll invitation, you need to work with a thin type of paper (ex: crepe, kraft, rice, wooly, parchment). First I created a rectangular box out of cardstock, with the length being a little wider than the width of my scroll. On each base, I cut out a small circle to hold the wooden stick. Before gluing the box together, attach your scroll to a wooden stick (I used chopsticks) and insert it into the box. Create a washer and a knob (I used thick kraft paper) to secure the wooden stick in place. Ensure you have a stopper (a second wooden stick) glued to the end of your scroll.

6) F = Fasting
@lettersteller made a craft for the letter F.
Materials needed for the Iftar Watch craft: Paper/tissue roll, Paint, Paintbrushes, Pencil.
What to do: Take an empty tissue roll and cut a thick (bracelet-like) piece for a watch. Have your little one color the iftar watch strap. cut a circle and write numbers on it for time. Cut the small hands of the watch and glue them over the circle. Secure the watch with tape.

7) G = Generosity
@learnwithummi made a craft for the letter G.
Materials needed for the craft: Recycled cardboards, Cutter, Skin-coloured papers (different shades of skin), Cotton Twine, Glittered paper, Markers, Blu tack
What to do: Using the recycled cardboard to cut out a huge letter G. Decorate the letter G to your/your child’s liking. Use different skin coloured paper and trace out the shape of a hand (use your child’s hands to get a perfect size!). Cut out 30 pieces, each for a day of Ramadan. For each day of Ramadan, think of a good deed of giving anyone a little something (could even be as simple as a smile or a hug) and write it down onto the coloured hand. Use blu tack to paste the coloured hands onto the letter G. By the end of Ramadan insyaAllah, the letter G will be full of beautiful coloured hands full of generous acts and at the same time develop generosity within yourself and your little loved ones this Ramadan!

8) H = Hadith
@naturallylayan made a craft for the letter H.
Materials needed for the Hadith nature treasure box craft: Empty craft box/ jewelry box, glue/tape, scissors, paper (cardstock or printer paper), markers, colored pencils, and nature findings.
What to do: Collect nature findings from around the home or outdoors. Make a template by tracing the top of your craft box/ jewelry box onto the cardstock. Use the template to trace the pattern onto another piece of cardstock/paper close to the edge of the paper. Draw a line where the template ends and then fold on the line making an accordion fold (alternating the direction. Make sure the folds are crisp. Cut out the template and leave it connected at the folds. Unfold the paper pattern and use one end to write your favorite Hadith about nature, and then begin drawing your nature findings. Older children can be encouraged to write a small sentence or description about their nature findings. Glue/ tape the one side of the folded pattern to the lid of the box, place the nature findings in the box and place the lid on top of the box. Enjoy your nature box anytime you choose, you may add more pages and nature findings or create a new box.

9) I = Isha (prayer)
@mformoon made a craft for the letter I.
Materials needed for the craft: Paper, paint, glue, foil
What to do: Grab any paper and paints you have. On one piece of paper go wild with the blues and blacks, on another do the same with yellow, orange, and red (stars twinkle either reddish, yellowish, or blueish so you can do any of these colours insha’Allah). Let it all dry. Cut a rectangle shape from your dark blue/black paper and cut lots of very thin strips (for your prayer mat tassels). Flip your rectangle so that the painted side is facing down, put a line of glue at the top and bottom edges and stick down your tassels. Let it dry. Cut a moon shape from your foil. Cut stars from your yellow paper (this might be tricky for your little, but as you don’t want to exclude them, let them draw stars on the non-painted side of the paper and then you can cut these out). Position your moon and stars and stick down

10) J = Jamaraat
@rahila.s.v made a craft for the letter J.
Materials needed for Jamaraat Craft: Kitchen towel rolls, Manila paper, Printer paper, Coloured paper, Labels, and markers. White paper scrunched up to form pebbles + Cardboard.
What to do: Cut out the pillars of Jamaarat height-wide from the kitchen rolls, from the biggest to the smallest. Arrange the printer paper on the cardboard, then stand the Jamaarat. Use the coloured paper for Muzdalifa and Mount Arafat (pyramid-shaped). Arrange the scrunched-up paper (pebbles) in front of the Jamaarat. Align the Muzdalifa and Mount Arafat accordingly.

11) K = Ka’bah
@nidatastic made a craft for the letter K.
Materials needed for the craft: Black and yellow paper strips, glue and scissors, Quilling tool (bamboo skewer can work too), White card sheet, Blue and white paints, Paintbrushes.
What to do: We made this Kaabah craft through the paper quilling technique. We took black and yellow coloured papers and cut them into many long 1cm wide strips. Using the quilling tool, we quilled each strip and then glued the end and gave it a shape of a square. We repeated this step with each paper strip. We painted a night sky gradient on a white sheet and splattered white paint for the stars. Then we began to glue yellow and black paper strips quilled squares in the form of Kaabah.

12) L = Love
@farashatykids made a craft for the letter L.
Materials needed for the craft: a blank card, pen/marker/coloring pencils, small paper/tissue paper squares, glue, stickers (optional).
What to do: Draw and cut a heart shape out of the card. Make sure that the top of the heart is on the folded side of the card, and be sure not to cut the top curves of the heart out. Keeping these pieces intact allows you to open and shut the card freely. Open the card and write “Love” on one side, and “Allah” on the other. Connect them with arrows so each one leads to the other (this symbolizes that the more we love Allah SWT, the more love Allah will give us). Decorate the inside as you like (we used heart stickers) and then close the card. On the blank outer side of the card, will be the feathered decoration. To achieve this look, place a pencil in the middle of one of the small paper squares (have them cut up ahead of time. We used graph paper, but tissue paper or coloured paper would also be very pretty), wrap the paper around the end of the pencil, then place glue on the outside of the paper. Place it on the card. Repeat this process until you have completely filled the area.

13) M = Mosque
@growground made a craft for the letter M.
Materials needed for the craft: Leaves, scissors, paper, glue.
What to do: Cut the paper in the shape of a mosque. spread glue over it and stick the nature mosaic all over, playing around with the colours and textures.

14) N = Night journey (Isra wal-Miraj)
Ayeina (we) made a craft for the letter N.
Materials needed for the craft: cardboard box, tissue paper/tracing paper, glue, tape, cutter, scissors, sticks, light source (torch), THIS printable for story props (optional).
What to do: We put some cardboard at the back of the printed cut-out to make it stay strong and last long before we attached the sticks to it. We covered the cardboard box with brown kraft paper tape wherever needed to keep the focus on the title cutout “Isra and Miraj“. The middle portion of the box was cut out to make way for light projection. We used a thin A4 paper for the background as we didn’t have tissue paper sheets (but it did a good job alhamdulillah). If you are using the props vertically then make sure you cut out a section beneath the box for your props to make way from below.

15) O = Obligation
@homemadeteacher made a craft for the letter O.
Materials needed for the craft: Black paper/cardstock, Plastic sleeve, White cardstock, Marking pens, Scissors.
What to do: Draw a Masjid scene including the moon and stars on the plastic sleeve. Insert the black card into the plastic. Design and cut out a white torch shape as shown in the picture. Insert the torch into the plastic and search for the masjid – denoting Salah as an obligation for us 5 times a day.

16) P = Prayer
@bintermanno made a craft for the letter P.
Materials needed for the craft: paper, markers, glue, scissors, crepe paper.
What to do: Draw salah positions on display for kids to follow along and memorise. You may also print out salah positions. Trace your child’s hand and write salah names on each finger. We decorated the letter P (for prayer) with crepe paper cut into small pieces.

17) Q = Quran
@drbaji made a craft for the letter Q.
Materials needed for the craft: scrapbook paper, scissors, different mixed media to create each craft for the verse, and washi tape.
What to do: Pick the Quranic words that you want to teach the child and find the verse in the Quran. Print or handwrite that verse on a 5×5 square. On the reverse side draw or make something that goes with that verse. For example, in Surah Ash-Shams, one verse says “By the sun and its brightness…” on the reverse side you can paint, draw, or use yellow tissue paper and make a sun. Get creative!
You can assemble the square sheets into a booklet (as seen here).

18) R = Ramadan
@misssanateaches made a craft for the letter R.
Materials needed for the craft: Scissors, Tape/laminating pouch, marker, paper towel, paint, glitter/confetti, cardstock.
What to do: You can follow the visual instructions HERE. Cut moon shapes out of paper towels. Dab watered down paint onto the paper towel moons. The colour should bleed across. Let dry. Place your moons in a laminating pouch. Add some glitter or confetti. Laminate and cut out the moons, leaving a gap around the moon. Fold a piece of cardstock into a card and cut a hole into the front of the card. Tape the laminated moon into the inside cover of the card. Add a Ramadan greeting on the cover and that’s all there is to it!

19) S = Supplication
@crazy.in.motherhood made a craft for the letter S.
Materials needed for the craft: Assortment of papers (used or new), A4 paper (used or new), A4 black paper, more dark coloured paper (optional), black pen.
What to do: This craft is a perfect example of “reduce, reuse and recycle” while crafting something beautiful. First, tear off scraps of paper and layer them on the A4 sheet. You can choose rainbow, sunset colours, or a different colour scheme. Second, trace your child’s hands on the black paper. If you have multiple children and all want to be a part of this project, use different colours of paper for each child. Third, just glue the hands in a supplicating position (for multiple hand cut-outs, glue over each other to create a shadow effect as seen). Fourth (optional), you can write a short dua on a piece of paper and stick it on the hands as a reminder.

20) T = Twig (miswak)
@minaret.books made a craft for the letter T.
Materials needed for the craft: scissors, glue, brown and cream craft paper, Texta black and brown texta.
What to do: Cut the shape of your twig using brown paper. Fold over 1 cm tabs on either long end of the brown paper. Use your texta to make lines look like a twig. Cut the cream paper to fit inside the brown paper. Glue on the inside, make sure to leave enough of the cream paper out, to form the bristles. Cut bristles out. Glue down tabs to the paper, making it curved.

21) U = Umrah
@islamic_montessori_ made a craft for the letter U.
Materials needed for the craft: Color paper, cotton balls, needle & thread, scissors, toothbrush, paint, glue.
What to do: Take 4 small square sheets of color paper. For the ihram activity, you need to draw a men’s and women’s figure. And paste the cotton balls for their clothes. For the tawaf activity, take a toothbrush and dip it in white paint and spray paint ( for the people doing umrah) covering other sides. Design your Ka’bah as you wish. For the sa’ee (safa marwa)activity, draw mountains on 2 sides. Cut a small human figure and with the help of a needle and thread, insert the human figure allowing it to move freely. Stick both ends of the thread using tape. For the halq (shaving hair) or taqsir (trimming at least an inch of your hair) activity, cut a shape of hair and stick it aside so you can play with the hair.

22) V = Veil
@curious.parents made a craft for the letter V.
Materials needed for the craft: recycled cardboard, black permanent marker, pencil or screwdriver, exacto or craft knife, flowers, and a basket.
What to do: Outline a hijab shape onto a piece of cardboard using a pencil. Trace the outline with a black permanent marker. Cut out the outline of the hijab using an Exacto/craft knife. Poke holes about an inch apart using a pencil or screwdriver. Remove the flowers from the stems, leaving a bit of the stem, and place them in a basket or a bin. Poke the flowers in the holes to create a beautiful floral hijab!

23) W = Worship
@ummeabubakrblogs made a craft for the letter W.
Materials needed for the Worship Jar craft: jar, glue, scissors, glitter foam, ribbon, popsicle sticks, black marker, and glass paint.
What to do: Paint the jar with glass paint. Then add some glitter all over it. Tie a ribbon around the jar. Add few hearts to the jar. You may add a tag of worship jar on it. We took 10 popsicles sticks and listed the good deeds with the intention of worship (ibaadah – done purely for the sake of Allah).

24) X = Extra (good) deeds –
@tokenofrasha made a craft for the letter X.
Materials needed for the craft: 2 plain paper sheets, pencil, scissors, glue, and a torchlight.
What to do: Draw and color illustrations of the good deeds you want your child to do. You can let your child color too! Apply glue carefully on the paper. Make sure you don’t smudge it! Stick the plain white paper on top of it and cut it into the shapes you like. Turn off the lights and use the torch to let your child guess the good deed they have to do.

25) Y = Yusuf (السلام عليه)
@gems4littlehearts made a craft for the letter Y.
Materials needed for the craft: Empty tin, Thick cardboard cut into small rectangular pieces, Two rectangular cardboard pieces for rooftop, Cardboard pieces for bucket and bucket pulley, Thin wire, Tissue paper, Hot glue gun, Mod podge or liquid glue, Newspaper, String, Paint.
What to do: Use your hot glue gun to stick rectangular cardboard pieces around the tin and rooftop pieces. Cover both the tin and rooftop pieces with tissue paper by first applying a layer of mod podge or liquid glue. Use a blunt object to press the paper down between the spaces. Leave out to dry. Use cardboard to shape out a bucket and thin wire for the handle. Attach the wire using a hot glue gun. The pulley was made by shaping cardboard into a cylinder shape and then enclosed by two circular cardboard discs on either end. The ends should have a hole big enough for the rod to fit through. Use a thin object like a long pencil or knitting needle and wrap the newspaper tightly around it. Glue the end to create the rod; two side rods, and a shorter one that will be placed across the two. Use different shades of brown, red, and black to paint all parts. Apply glue on the sides for the longer rods. Thereafter, place the pulley through the shorter rod and then use a hot glue gun to attach it across the top of the two rods. Tie one end of the string to the center of the pulley and the other end to the bucket’s handle. Finally, attach the rooftop pieces using a hot glue gun.

26) Z = Zakaah
@thedesiammi made a craft for the letter Z. This zakat jar is best to instill the habit of giving in young kids and is just the thing to add to your kids’ Ramadan corner this year.
Materials needed for the craft: cardboard, plastic sheet, glue, scissors, and nylon thread.
What to do: For making this quick and easy charity jar, cut out a jar on a coloured cardboard sheet. Next, cut out the outline of the jar on another cardboard sheet. Glue them together. Firmly secure a plastic sheet on top of it using tape. Finally, punch holes on the top and add the nylon thread which will definitely make it easy to hang the zakat jar in your kids’ room. Your jar is ready to be filled with alms.

If you end up making any craft out of these, please do share it with us and tag us on social media channels (Instagram or Facebook). Tell us in the comments below which one is your favourite craft?
Previous: Islamic Book Crafts 2019 ; Kids’ Crafts 2020 ; Arabic Letter Crafts 2021