Ramadan / Eid

All the Ramadan and Eid related Articles – from Free printable lists to Reflections and poems.

30 Crafts Based on Children’s Islamic Books

Muslim kids need representation in the books they read to be able to strengthen their identity and Islamic books to strengthen their faith - so scroll through to find 30 crafts based on 30 Islamic and Muslim books. This can be ideal for Ramadan, but works even when kids are on their school break or after school or when you are looking for ways to add some creativity in your homeschool.

Islamic Gifts for Him & Her (+FREE Printable Islamic Cards for all Occasions)

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Islamic Gifts for all Occasions - wedding gift and card for a Muslim couple, welcome to Islam card for a revert/convert , aqeeqah gift for Muslim parents , congratulations card for a Muslim student and an Eid ul Fitr or Eid ul Adha card FREE PRINTABLE.

10 Tips to Help Kids Fast for Ramadan

Steps to teach kids about Ramadan - inculcating the love of fasting in their hearts through knowledge and consistency.

Letter to a Muslim Mum – You’re Not Alone!

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Dear Muslim Mum, what part of your spirituality & motherhood makes you feel alone? Share it with us & witness mothers from around the world come for your support <3

Ultimate List of FREE Eid Printables (UPDATED: 2023)

Free printable Eid Party Packs - Table Decor, Eid Banner/ Garland/ Bunting, Cards/ Posters, Eid Envelopes/ Wrapping Sheets/ Boxes and Eid Gift Tags/Stickers , eid freebies for kids, eid freebies for mini muslims, eid free printables for muslims, muslim parenting, muslim mother, eid tags, islamic pattern eid envelope, ramadan mubara bubble, eid place cards for eid table, eid cards watercolor florals, pastels, eid banner gold and purple, coloring sheets for muslim kids, #AlhamdulillahForSeries gratitude coloring journal for kids, eid mubarak arabic coloring card, eid coloring page, eid poster, ramadhan recipe card, bismillah, watercolor food card, laylatul qadr dua, lailatul qadr for muslim children , eid 2017,
List of Free printable Eid Party Packs - Table Decor, Eid Banner/ Garland/ Flags/ Bunting, Cards/ Posters, Eid Envelopes/ Wrapping Sheets/ Boxes and Eid Gift Tags/Stickers

Involving Kids in the Ramadan Spirit (+ FREE printables) – Updated: 2023

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List of Free Ramadan Printable Advent Calendar good deed a day challenges along with an ultimate list of Ramadan coloring pages, cards, crafts, decor, worksheets and activities for kids. While AYEINA also offer a FREE Ramadan and Eid printable bundle to help you involve kids in the Ramadan Spirit in shaa Allah

Confessions of a Practicing Muslim (+FREE Ramadan Printables) – Updated: 2023

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Confessions of a practicing Muslim who suffers through the weakness of imaan and now awaits Ramadan anxiously to bring back that strength - this poem is a simple way to address the issue of expecting perfection from someone who can easily be identified as a Muslim - who LOOKS so Muslim.

Increasing Love Through Gifts

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Since Eid is all about giving and receiving gifts, so here is a list of 10 Islamic etiquettes to follow with ahadith and Quranic verses as references. See beautiful examples of gift wrapping inside.

6 Ways To Fast Beyond Food‏

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This Ramadan, let's fast beyond food through fasting of thoughts, eyes, tongue, heart, hands and feet! Because fasting is more than just an empty stomach!

Healing a Wounded Heart…

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You ask, and He gives. You trip, and He sets you right. You fall, and He picks you up. You are lost, and He guides you. You deny Him, and He still provides you. You cry, and He consoles you. You are dubious, and He fixes your heart.