20 Quick Tips for Hajj and Umrah

vector art crowd
After you're done packing for Hajj or Umrah, you should have an idea about what kind of challenges you'd be facing there and what are the tips that can help you make this journey as fruitful and easy as it can get. Hope this list of tips help you achieve that.

28 Arabic Letter Crafts for Kids

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Previous: Islamic Book Crafts 2019 ; 2020 Kids' Crafts 28 muslimaat came together to bring you DIY ideas on how to make Arabic letters come to life. Everyone chose one letter from the Arabic alphabet and did a craft related to it. This article is...

Hajj/Umrah Products for Adults and Kids

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Whether you're going for Hajj/Umrah or planning to go someday in shaa Allah or simply assisting someone for the journey, these amazing Muslim businesses are there to cater to your Hajj/Umrah needs.

How to Prepare for Eid & Make it Special for Kids (FREE Checklist + Eid Takbeer Audio)

Step by step guide on how to prepare for Eid with a FREE printable pre-Ramadan checklist and Eid-ul-Fitr checklist. So you can make it a stress-free day for yourself and special for kids in shaa Allah. (in collaboration with David Charles Children's Wear).

Islamic Gifts for Him & Her (+FREE Printable Islamic Cards for all Occasions)

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Islamic Gifts for all Occasions - wedding gift and card for a Muslim couple, welcome to Islam card for a revert/convert , aqeeqah gift for Muslim parents , congratulations card for a Muslim student and an Eid ul Fitr or Eid ul Adha card FREE PRINTABLE.

10 Tips to Help Kids Fast for Ramadan

Steps to teach kids about Ramadan - inculcating the love of fasting in their hearts through knowledge and consistency.

Increasing Love Through Gifts

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Since Eid is all about giving and receiving gifts, so here is a list of 10 Islamic etiquettes to follow with ahadith and Quranic verses as references. See beautiful examples of gift wrapping inside.

How to Save Money for Hajj

5 practical steps on how to save money for Hajj - including free budgeting printable planners and worksheets, coupon sites to use, websites to increase your cash flow and most importantly, a hajj budget plan so you can one day fulfill this obligation of performing the pilgrimage in shaa Allah.

26 English Letter Crafts for Muslim Kids

26 muslimaat came together to bring you DIY ideas on how to make English letters come to life. Everyone chose one letter from the English alphabet and did a craft related to it. This article is an ongoing series hence we'll be doing these...

The Don’ts of Mosque Manners

10 Mosque etiquettes explained with a tinge of halal humor along with a relevant hadith. Things not to do in the masjid - especially this Ramadan when you go for taraweeh. (images by Zed and Q)
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