Sponsored post written for DavidCharlesChildrensWear
Muslims around the world celebrate 2 religious occasions in a year: Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha. Eid ul Fitr marks the end of the lunar month of fasting (Ramadan) while Eid ul Adha marks the 10th of the lunar month of pilgrimage – Hajj (Dhul Hijja).
Eid comes from the Arabic root words ع ي د (Ayn-Ya-Dal) which means ever-occurring, periodical, festival, to come back, revert, return etc. since this day returns each year.
If you don’t celebrate any other day apart from Eid, then making Eid ul fitr and Eid ul adha best days of the year is an easier job alhamdulillah. But if you celebrate other days too and your kids might be exposed to all the mainstream holidays and birthdays etc., you may wonder how to make Eid exciting and fun when most people aren’t even off from their work – especially in the non-Muslim countries where no one is celebrating Eid except Muslims. Even in the Muslim countries, you may have heard people cracking a joke – Eid is for sleeping…Most people in my generation say that the day of Eid is about “sleeping” (in a boring way). And I REALLY hope that our kids don’t say stuff like that because Eid are the days of joy. And they come every year as a reminder that we made it through the blessed days with gratitude, patience and barakah. These holidays, from a religious and a social aspect, are not only a means for Muslims coming together they also provide a means to help alleviate the needs of the poor. In order to provide social solidarity, those who are financially able to give an amount of money in charity for every member of the family during the ‘Eid ul Fitr (known as fitrana / zakat ul fitr ); during the ‘Eid al Adha, they are commanded to sacrifice from livestock (known as Udhiyah in Arabic); adult cattle such as – camels, cows/bulls, buffaloes, bison (bovine), sheep (ovine), goats (caprine), ram, and the like.
Following are some ways, you can help the kids enjoy the Eid day in shaa Allah ❤

1) Prepare for Eid before Ramadan / Dhul Hijja
Making kids the part of planning helps them understand the meaning and importance of the event they are planning for. Planning with them also brings up more imaginative ideas. Plan the day, plan the gifts, plan the activities that bring them joy.
Start packing gifts for everyone with them. Prepare for all of it in advance so you are not running on the day of Eid or in the last ten blessed days of Ramadan. Here is a FREE pre-Ramadan checklist along with an Eid checklist for you. Go ahead and print it or fill it digitally.
2) Let the excitement build throughout Ramadan / Dhul Hijja (Eid Decor)
Whether you get a countdown calendar that you fill up with activities, sweets or toys, Ramadan baskets or Eid baskets, let them know that this day is important to you. They will catch onto your excitement so model that enthusiasm.
These emotions can only be transferred when we ourselves feel them, just like you can’t pour water from an empty vessel – similarly, you can’t simply pour the fountains of love and excitement without having a pond within yourself. Thus feel this gift of Allah and show gratitude emotionally, verbally and physically.
You may find TONS OF IDEAS in this PINTEREST BOARD – Eid Decor Ideas based on whatever suits your need (whether you keep it minimal or go all out on Eid).

3) Sight the new moon with children
Come outside underneath the open sky – whether on your rooftop or in the garden – to see the Eid moon on the last night of Ramadan. Perhaps get a telescope if your kids are space enthusiasts. Or just sit together as a family and eat your favorite snacks. When you see the new moon, you may recite this dua:
اللهم أهله علينا بالأمن والإيمان والسلامة والإسلام، ربي وربك الله، هلال رشد وخير
At the sight of the new moon (of the lunar month), the Prophet (ﷺ) used to supplicate: “Allahumma ahillahu ‘alaina bil-amni wal-iman, was-salamati wal-Islam, Rabbi wa Rabbuk-Allah, Hilalu rushdin wa khairin (O Allah, let this moon appear on us with security and Iman; with safety and Islam. (O moon!) Your Rubb and mine is Allah. May this moon be bringing guidance and good).” [At- Tirmidhi]

4) Henna at night and Takbeeraat (+ Eid Playlist without music)
Get henna done for little girls too. But make sure you all sleep early though so kids aren’t fussy in the morning for the Eid prayer. Because we all know what sleepless children mean for your Eid too :p Have everything ready in one place so morning is spent getting ready in as little time as possible (as to not miss the sermon of Eid either). Some people wear Eid PJs at night (the whole family matches their nightwear) to build up the excitement.
Start the takbeerat at the sighting of the moon and encourage kids to do the same. Assign the responsibility of reciting takbeerat loudly to kids and you will find them very active and enthusiastic about this. You may also play takbeerat on a speaker at home while getting ready. It also helps everyone to stay engaged in it and bicker less in the moments of stress and last-minute rush :p
الله أكبر – الله أكبر – لا إله إلا الله ، الله أكبر – الله أكبر – ولله الحمد
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, laa ilaaha ill-Allah, wAllahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa Lillaahi’l-hamd (Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great, there is no god except Allah, Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great, and all praise be to Allah). Allahu akbaru kabeera, Walhamdulillahi katheera, wa subhaanAllahi bukratan wa aseelaa (Allah is the greatest – the most great, all abundant praise is for Allah and glory be to Allah in the morning and in the evening).
“It is Sunnah to recite takbeer at any time during the first ten days of Dhu’l-Hijjah and all the days of Tashreeq, starting from the beginning of the month of Dhu’l-Hijjah (i.e., from sunset on the last day of Dhu’l-Qa’dah) until the end of the days of al-Tashreeq, which is when the sun sets on the thirteenth day of Dhu’l-Hijjah).” (IslamQA)
Download the following free audio takbeerat for Eid (both are in different tones).

5) Let them wear their special Eid clothes and scent
It is recommended to take a bath before Eid prayer. But in case people in the house are large in number, then few can take a bath before Fajr as well. Let the kids put on the itr they love the most. In our home, scents are associated with salah Alhamdulillah. Indeed the best of things shall be associated with the best of deeds.
Have your children wear their best clothes on Eid morning. This is a great way to help them realize the importance of the day, and create a sense of excitement about the coming celebration. Choose clothes that aren’t only fancy and new, but also long lasting so even if they roll in the sand – you know that the dress will survive (it will also help you resist constantly stopping them from having fun).
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘This day is an ‘Eid (festival) which Allah has ordained for the Muslims. Whoever comes to Friday (prayer), let him take a bath and if he has perfume then let him put some on. And upon you (I urge to use) is the tooth stick.” [Ibn Majah]

6) Give them dates to eat in odd number (bake Eid cake/cookies together)
Dates give kids that energy boost that they might be lacking so early in the morning. And hungry and tired kids equals a day spent in whining :p So let them eat 1,3,5 or 7 dates – perhaps choose ajwa dates as they aren’t VERY sweet and their size makes it easier to eat in bulk. Kids can also have a cup of milk before going.
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) never proceeded (for the prayer) on the Day of `Id-ul-Fitr unless he had eaten some dates. Anas also narrated: The Prophet (ﷺ) used to eat odd number of dates. [Bukhari]
Baking with kids is messy, but it’s a lot of fun and creates lasting memories and education for them – it’s an amazing learning experience for kids – measurements, excitement build-up, basic kitchen skills etc.

7) Let kids give out the Eid treat packs and don’t forget Zakat-ul-Fitr yourself
Preparing small goody packs for kids in the Eid place is one of the most exciting activity. Let the kids make their own packets of sweets or dates or whatever you like to gift the kids after the Eid salah. We love filling them with something sweet as the kids usually love sweet stuff.
Pay zakat-ul-fitr of your kids and let them know why you do this on their behalf. Zakat-ul-fitr is to be given in the form of regular food – A Sa’ of wheat, or a Sa’ of dates, or Sa of barley, or a Sa’ of rye (as mentioned in the hadith).
Ibn Abbas said: “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) enjoined Zakatul-Fitr as a purification for the fasting person from idle talk and obscenities, and to feed the poor. Whoever pays it before the (Eid) prayer, it is an accepted Zakah, and whoever pays it after the prayer, it is (ordinary) charity.” [Ibn Majah]

8) Encourage them to greet everyone at Eid Salah and change the route when going back home
After the sermon of Eid, let kids greet everyone. They may greet them with the words of the sahaabah (RA). However, one may greet the other in any customarily way, as long as no impermissible act is involved.
تَقَبَّلَ اللهُ مِنَّا وَمِنكُم – “Taqabbal Allaahu minna wa minkum
“May Allaah accept (this worship) from us and from you all” – our fasts, our sacrifices, our good deeds…
Whether you go for Eid salah on foot or by car, tell this sunnah to your kids and ask them to prescribe you the route you want to go and come back with. This will make them remember this sunnah next time.
On the occasion of the ‘Eid, the Prophet (ﷺ) would proceed to the prayer place taking one route and returning from another. [Bukhari]
If you go by car, you may save an Eid anasheed playlist to listen to or you may sing them yourself if you’re going back by foot. Let the kids join in as well. Check out the Pinterest board we made especially for Eid anasheed.
9) Give them Eid gifts or eidi (eid money) and let them give you Eid cards
Focus on what they like and what they constantly demand all year long, and then gift them that on Eid. It could be something tangible or an experience even. Eid could be made fun through arts and crafts or Eid decor. Kids make the best and the most adorable cards ever that fill your heart with love. Let them make one every day of Ramadan or Dhul Hijja (10 days) if you have loads of relatives. Or you may print the cards for coloring and let them color in (like the FREE one LINKED HERE for AYEINA email subscribers)
‘Aishah said: “The ethiopians came and played in front of the Prophet (ﷺ) on the day of ‘Eid. He called me and I watched them from over his shoulder, and I continued to watch them until I was the one who moved away.” [Nasa’i]
10) Meet other people with children their age (host an eid party or attend one)
Whether you visit the grandparents or the kids get to meet their cousins and play all day – whether you visit friends or the Muslim community around – whether people are gathering at your place or you’re going to someone else’s place, let them enjoy the social gatherings and interactions. Let them accept gifts and give gifts too. If you live far away from your family, then schedule video chats with them. Encourage silat alRahm (ties of kinship) with virtual meetings of all the family you miss!
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) also said: “They (the days of Eid) are days of eating and drinking,” [Nasai]
To be prepared in advance, you need to know who will you be visiting or the list of people you’ll be inviting. What you’ll be wearing and what gifts you’ll be giving out.
If you’ll be the one hosting any party, then make sure you know what food you’ll be serving. If you can prepare any part of the meal beforehand (for eg: frozen food like spring rolls/samosas etc. – whatever it is that you plan to serve), do that beforehand so you’re not panicking in the last 10 days of Ramadan or Dhul Hijja.
11) Take them to places they love and let them have fun
Besides visiting relatives and having parties together, you may also take the kids to the places they love, to let them enjoy and have fun. Let them have the halal fun that you usually do not approve of. Muhammad (saw) let the kids enjoy on Eid (in a halal way). So I’d say that it’s ok to let your guard down on this day. Let the kids enjoy sweets etc. on Eid even if you’re particular about their sugar intake all year long. Let them slide through their routine even if you’re strict about their sleep schedule. Let them have screen time (as long as it’s music-free moral content) even if you don’t allow that generally. Let them keep their enthusiasm for this day.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) entered upon Aishah (RA) and there were 2 girls with her who were beating the duff (and singing). Abu Bakr (RA) scolded them, but the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Leave them, for every people has an ‘Eid.” [Tirmidhi]

12) Eid Games / Treasure Hunt / Activities / Crafts
If you are spending Eid at home, then it’s time to make it fun for kids with games, crafts, activities and treasure hunt etc. See THIS post for ideas. You can find a list of free Eid printables for kids here (scroll all the way down) to keep them occupied – especially with 2020 Eid in quarantine…In short, you can perhaps play charades, laser tag, water gun, camping in your own backyard, badminton, swimming competition, archery, scrabble, obstacle course etc. depending one your kids’ interests. Find more ideas HERE!
How do YOU celebrate Eid? Do you have any family traditions that makes Eid special for kids? Comment below to let us know 🙂
JazakAllah Khair, it’s come around so fast, the checklist will certainly help with the preparations, I really enjoyed reading the article and thanks for the reminders ,
Mashallah you are a wonderful person, i admire you so much since i am following you on instagram, May Allah give you more srenght and accept your deeds and reward you in this world and hereafter Aameen.
MashAllah these are all wonderful tips! The checklist is very helpful too, thank you for including that in here- it’s a great visual for what we should get done.
Mashallah sister such beautiful things to do, the simplest of things just warms their little hearts subhanallh.
Many beautiful memories me and my siblings have made when little with similar things my late parents used to do for us.
Jzk sister x
There is so much we can do now to make it special for the kids alhamdulillah. I remember feeling Eid was boring when I was a child..now I go out of my way to make it special for them.
Eid is probably an eve of kids if we talk about Eid ul Adha festivity they always show excitement for the animal look after and the sadness on the day of eid.
This content is really a special gift on this eid for kids.
Excellent Post
I also miss the eid moments as a child. You describe very well eid for children.
Missing those days so much.
Thanks and Thanks to you for sharing this way
Thanks for this great post! Keep sharing amazing articles with us. .I really loved this article.