Ultimate List of FREE Eid Printables (UPDATED: 2023)
List of Free printable Eid Party Packs - Table Decor, Eid Banner/ Garland/ Flags/ Bunting, Cards/ Posters, Eid Envelopes/ Wrapping Sheets/ Boxes and Eid Gift Tags/Stickers
How to Save Money this Eid and Still Make it Memorable
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Article By Team Barakah Deals
PREVIOUS: Best Ramadan & Eid Deals From Muslim Brands In 2021
One of the best parts...
Aayaat That Gave Me A New Perspective As A Parent
PREVIOUS (Relevant Posts):
An Aayah That Changed My Life After ParenthoodList of Aayaat from the Quran that Really Helped Me as a ParentAayaat That...
Steps to Cultivate Healthy Love
Life without happiness is incomplete. Happiness without contentment is short lived. Contentment that does not stem from a loving heart is an illusion. A...
10 Tips to Help Kids Fast for Ramadan
Steps to teach kids about Ramadan - inculcating the love of fasting in their hearts through knowledge and consistency.
Increasing Love Through Gifts
Since Eid is all about giving and receiving gifts, so here is a list of 10 Islamic etiquettes to follow with ahadith and Quranic verses as references. See beautiful examples of gift wrapping inside.
Eid ul Adha Crafts to Try with Kids (DIY sheep activities and more)
Previous: Islamic Book Crafts 2019 ; Kids' Crafts 2020 ; Arabic Letter Crafts 2021 ; English Letter Crafts 2022 ; Hajj Crafts 2022
Muslims celebrate...
30 Ramadan Crafts for Kids Based on Muslim Books
Muslim kids need representation in the books they read to be able to strengthen their identity and Islamic books to strengthen their faith - so scroll through to find 30 crafts based on 30 Islamic and Muslim books. This can be ideal for Ramadan, but works even when kids are on their school break or after school or when you are looking for ways to add some creativity in your homeschool.
Best Ramadan & Eid Deals From Muslim Brands In 2021
This post is sponsored by barakahdeals.com
Article By Team Barakah Deals
Ramadan/Eid Decor
Decorating your home with beautiful Ramadan decor is a brilliant way to get the...
20 Quick Tips for Hajj and Umrah
After you're done packing for Hajj or Umrah, you should have an idea about what kind of challenges you'd be facing there and what are the tips that can help you make this journey as fruitful and easy as it can get. Hope this list of tips help you achieve that.