Reviews of Islamic Quiet Books for Kids

PRODUCT DETAILS "This is the perfect Eid gift. It's very beautifully crafted."  I have never seen this exact product for our baby muslims and trust me I have searched a very long time before placing my order …That’s why I support with all my heart...

20 Quick Tips for Hajj and Umrah

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After you're done packing for Hajj or Umrah, you should have an idea about what kind of challenges you'd be facing there and what are the tips that can help you make this journey as fruitful and easy as it can get. Hope this list of tips help you achieve that.

Best Ramadan & Eid Deals From Muslim Brands In 2021

This post is sponsored by Article By Team Barakah Deals Ramadan/Eid Decor Decorating your home with beautiful Ramadan decor is a brilliant way to get the whole family excited for Ramadan. The sparking lights and vibrant banners instantly brighten up your home and transform your space....

Increasing Love Through Gifts

zayeneesha ayeina, giving gifts, muslim, islam, how to give gifts
Since Eid is all about giving and receiving gifts, so here is a list of 10 Islamic etiquettes to follow with ahadith and Quranic verses as references. See beautiful examples of gift wrapping inside.

The Ultimate Packing Checklist for Hajj/Umrah: Must-haves

what to pack for hajj/umrah minimalist
Following points will serve as a quick tip-sheet for packing before you board your flight for Hajj/Umrah. I will divide the list into three parts: must-haves, better to have and extra nice to have. You can then pick according to your budget and requirement as to which items suit your individuality. (Free Printables inside)

Healing a Wounded Heart…

samina farooq photography stone water ripples
You ask, and He gives. You trip, and He sets you right. You fall, and He picks you up. You are lost, and He guides you. You deny Him, and He still provides you. You cry, and He consoles you. You are dubious, and He fixes your heart.

A Hadith That Changed My Life After Motherhood

Narrated `Ali رضي الله عنه: Fatima رضي الله عنها complained of what she suffered from the hand mill and from grinding...She went to Prophet ﷺ to ask for a maid-servant, but she couldn’t find him, and told Aisha of her need. When Prophet ﷺ...

How to Prepare for Eid & Make it Special for Kids (FREE Checklist + Eid Takbeer Audio)

Step by step guide on how to prepare for Eid with a FREE printable pre-Ramadan checklist and Eid-ul-Fitr checklist. So you can make it a stress-free day for yourself and special for kids in shaa Allah. (in collaboration with David Charles Children's Wear).

10 Islamic Etiquettes when Visiting Public Toilets

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I’m sure that it’s an international issue, but I’m going to specifically discuss public washroom around the religious sanctities. Since tahara (cleanliness) is half our faith, but in my travels, it has become clear that people don’t understand how to behave in them, let alone taking care of tahara. Yes, it’s a fairly gross subject but this dormant “loo-phobia” you may have, could soon be defeated by nature hitting its panic button on you.

The Ultimate Packing Checklist for Hajj/Umrah: Extra Nice to Have

umrah hajj packing list
Almost all of the pilgrims perform Hajj/Umrah without these items, but they are nice to have and can make your experience better in shaa Allah.
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