10 Activities to Teach Kids Arabic Alphabet Recognition (+FREE Printables)
Teach children Arabic alphabet recognition according to their learning style for the most effective results. Following are 10 activities to do with your kids to know whether they are visual learners, auditory learners or kinesthetic learners. Featuring Thinkernation's beautiful wooden Arabic products for kids.
Funeral of a Child in Islam (+ Islamic Resources on Death)
Step by step guide on all the funeral rites of a Muslim child - (can also be used for adults). Free illustrated printable of shrouding steps inside for ease + summarized ghusl and funeral prayer steps.
How to Teach Kids 12 Months in Islam
Free printables, videos (rhymes/anasheed without music - English/Arabic), products, resources, craft ideas, games and stories to teach kids about the 12 months in Islam (Hijri Calendar).
How I taught Quran to My 5yr old in 5 Months (+FREE Quran Lesson Plan)
List of things to do before starting the Quran + creative ideas and practical tips to implement when your child starts the Quran journey along with FREE Quran lesson plan to make the journey easy for you in shaa Allah.
Wahnan Ala Wahn – How to Survive Hardships of Motherhood
Allah calls the initial years of motherhood "WAHNAN ALA WAHN" (hardship upon hardship) in the Quran - basically the era of pregnancy and breastfeeding...
Read this brief survival guide in collaboration with *Liamanah* on how to make it through this tough stage of life in shaa Allah...
Short Ahadith for Kids to Learn (in Arabic): 2 Words
Mini Ahadith series is the collection of short ahadith for kids to help them memorize parts of a hadith (or full) one by one, while practicing Arabic too. Starting from two word ahadith and gradually progressing to more.
How Muslims should React to an Earthquake
How should a Muslim react in the face of natural disasters and how to talk to kids about them. (music-free animated video embedded for explanation along with free printables on survival strategies - emergency plan).
How to Help kids Love Salah (List of Motivational Verses and Ahadith on Prayer)
List of motivational verses, ahadith and ideas (like salah-bration) to encourage kids to pray so it becomes a life-long habit in shaa Allah. Parents and even new Muslims can use this list to self-motivate themselves to stay consistent in their prayers.
How to Help Kids Love Quran and Sunnah (without forcing it on them)
Practical examples on how to teach kids Quran and Sunnah while helping them fall in love with Allah and His Messenger ﷺ. This blog post explores strategies which can help kids become self-motivated to do the right thing in shaa Allah. Use "AYEINA10" code for 10% discount on Quran Moon Lamp and Islamic BSL book for kids.
Sunnahs of Expressing Love to Your Parents
Collection of verses and ahadith from the Quran and Sunnah that talk about parents' rights in Islam. Authentic references embedded within.