30 Days of Quran Journaling – Creative Ideas

Quran Journaling Contest (with FREE Printable) AYEINA hosted a Quran Journaling Contest with the purpose of connecting kids (and even adults) back to the Quran....

Free Resources on 5 Pillars of Islam & 6 Pillars of Iman (ft. Muslim Central)

This post has been sponsored by Muslim Central - a platform for Islamic audios Islam is a monotheistic religion with belief in only one God...

Practical Steps to Pray on Time

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Have you been struggling to pray on time? Especially as a mother of small kids? Here are the practical steps and quick tips to help you pray on time amidst your busy schedule in shaa Allah.

Effective Ways to Uphold Kinship Ties

Practical steps to maintain strong kinship ties (with free family tree printable)+ tips on dealing with toxic family members/relatives without severing ties

Ways to Develop a Daily Relationship with Quran

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Let's take a vow of lifetime commitment and develop a beautiful relationship with Quran through baby steps that may take us to Jannah one day in shaa Allah.

How to Make Dhikr and Dua a Daily Habit

Steps to make Dhikr an effortless routine along with free online Dua & Adhkaar resources like free ebook downloads, printables, audio lectures and recitations etc.

When to say In shaa Allah and when not to

by Sabit Ololade What is 'In shaa Allah'? It is an Arabic expression meaning 'If Allah wills' (this is usually said when referring to...

3 Fitness Lessons From the Sunnah

Many Muslims want to be active, but struggle to incorporate fitness into a busy lifestyle. Probably you've heard the hadith: Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said,...

10 Advices from Older Me to My Younger (Teenage) Self

older me to younger you ayeina
I don't really know from where should I start... This might seem strange but the future I am in, where time is not a line but a dimension, such things are possible. So much has happened in the past years that I don't want to worry you with all the future details. Worry is the biggest enemy of the present moment while future is inevitable. For you, today and tomorrow are yet to be said. I know you will be curious to know the fine intricacies of your life to come. I know. Been there done that. But there are some things that I will tell you, not your future, but the things you could do to improve your attitude towards it.

How to Gain Better Self Awareness as a Muslim

Importance of self awareness in Islam and its benefits along with 5 Free tried & tested online Personality Tests to help you get to know yourself better iA.