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Muslim Lifestyle

Advice from the Sunnah on Coping with Grief after the Loss of a Loved One

Our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) experienced grief at many points of his life, often at the loss of loved ones. During these experiences he taught us that grief is a natural emotion and that Allah does not hold us accountable for expressing sadness and pain in a permissible manner. Sadness does not negate the acceptance of Allah’s decree which is the very center of a believer’s journey in grief.

How to Turn to Allah when You Feel so Distant

Going distant from Allah is not an overnight process. It happens gradually without us ever realizing until we're too far away. You may drift away...

List of Daily Morning and Evening Adhkar (with references)

PREVIOUS: How to Make Dhikr and Dua a Daily Habit Compiled by Homaira Hafsa In most cases, we remember Allah when disaster comes. But the...

10 Steps to Prepare Yourself for Marriage as a Muslim

You've been dreaming and hoping to get married soon and making Dua for the day to come, but wait a second. Are you ready or prepared? What if Allah (SWT) wants you to learn some things about yourself so you can be ready when the blessing is bestowed upon you in shaa Allah? Check out the 10 pointers which can prepare you for marriage.

When to say In shaa Allah and when not to

by Sabit Ololade What is 'In shaa Allah'? It is an Arabic expression meaning 'If Allah wills' (this is usually said when referring to...

10 Ways to Love Yourself as a Muslim

10 Steps towards self love in Islam. From avoiding peace-breakers & negative energy to using positive affirmations & believing that you're worthy. From forgiving yourself to utilizing your skills. From self awareness to better knowledge of the world. Download the free printable of a Qur'anic verse on self-worth.

Productivity Journal for Muslims (I will in shaa Allaah)

Islamic Productivity Journal will give you templates &prompts along with watercolor illustrations in each category that will spark reflection & motivation - categories include: spiritual and personal development, exercises to strengthen relationships and define your goals.

Practical Steps to Pray on Time

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Have you been struggling to pray on time? Especially as a mother of small kids? Here are the practical steps and quick tips to help you pray on time amidst your busy schedule in shaa Allah.

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Hijama [cupping] Done

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Benefits of Hijama - from physical/emotional health benefits to spiritual ones because of following a sunnah. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The best medical treatment you apply is cupping.

List of Free Resources to Study Quran

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Let's study Qur'an together!