asia africa north america south america oceania australia

The word Alhamdulillah means All praise is for Allah (God)/ All thanks to Allah (a way of showing gratitude and praise for the Creator).

#AlhamdulillahForSeries is a series full of positivityΒ which aims to spread gratitude towards Allah, in places we sometimes forget to see.

(the book of it is out now –Β *A Muslim’s mini Gratitude Journal* – a month of helping you develop an attitude of gratitude in shaa Allaah because an Alhamdulillah a day keeps scarcity away). You can read its reviews HERE.

There are billions of Muslims across the globe and every one of them looks different from the other. Black, brown, white, old, young, with curly hair, with straight hair, with physical disabilities, niqabi, hijabi, unveiled, bearded, clean-shaved, tall, short, freckled, blonde, brunette, ginger-head, Asian, Arab, European, African, American etc. The list can go on and on.

Muslim world is diverse and with this campaign, we hope to bring a positive change in not just individual lives but on a large scale as well, resulting in happy and thankful people who stop to show gratitude in the tiniest of things.

Hence we curated a list of what Muslims aroundΒ the world are thankful for. WithΒ #gratitudeartcontest and #gratitudecaptioncontestΒ held twice so far, there were tons of suggestions coming from all over the world. Some made us laugh, some made us weep, but all ended up in Alhamdulillah πŸ™‚

1: Asia

asia Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims

Pakistan’s art submission by: Aayesha Aijaz Baari

asia Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims asia Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims Β asia Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims

sa qatar2

2: EuropeΒ 

 european muslims Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims

Germany’s art submission by: Samira’s Oriental Art Designs

 european muslims Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims

 european muslims Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims

 european muslims Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims

3: Africa

african muslims Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims

african muslims Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims

4: North America

north america Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims

5: Oceania/Australia

Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims

6: South America

Gratitude for muslims around the world samina farooq ayesha farooq zayeneesha gratitude journal for muslims

Venezuela’s art submission by:

*Sorry we have none so far from Antarctica :pΒ 


Please note that one caption does not represent all individuals of that nation nor does it represent all ideas of that one individual. For all of us, gratitude has many forms and this just defines one tiny part of it. InshaaAllah, with further expansion of the series and more caption suggestions, shares, likes, comments and art submissions, we will be publishing more ideas from more countries hence more awesomeness <3

All the countries within one continent have been paired randomly as it’s the beauty of Islam that unites us all alhamdulillah.

We welcome ideas from all Muslims around the globe. We will try to design as many posters possible (we’ve already done 100). Send them through this hashtag – #AlhamdulillahForSeries.Β If you want to contribute your art to this series,Β then you can email us the high resolution (scanned) art to submissions@ayeina.comΒ 

How would you fill in the blank:Β Alhamdulillah for __________?


  1. Alhamdulillah. What a great idea to inspire muslims all over the world and inject positivity in them. You guys are doing an excellent job MashAllah. May Allah put barakah in your work and help you spread it above your imaginations. AMEEN!

    P.s I loved this font. Just don’t want to stop writing. πŸ™‚ where on earth did you guys get those ideas from?

    • Aameen. Jazakillah khair habibti.
      This font took more time than illustrations themselves haha. Ideas are pooled by everyone in the team πŸ™‚ Alhamdulillah for their support. Ayesha took the duty of written content so taking time out to work on this got easier πŸ™‚

      You pool in some ideas too πŸ˜€ we welcome them ideas πŸ˜€

  2. MashaAllah, finally!
    Alhamdulillah for deciding on the less swirly font. πŸ˜€
    I’d be looking forward to more of this. Good job Sammy boy.

    Barakallahu feeki.

  3. Aww masha’Allah this is super cute! I love that you are showing the diversity of Muslims! One of my favorite parts about becoming Muslim was when I started meeting sisters from all around the world. It’s truly a life changing experience. We have so much diversity but the one thing we have in common is Alhamdulillah. Thanks for the cute post it made me smile!

  4. Alhamdulillah indeed… Giving gratitude is for all places.

    I need to move to Antarctica soon so I can provide that caption.

  5. This is my third comment here. I really am not sure if you got the other two or not. Can’t see it anywhere here lol

    This post is beyond cute.

    Ome times. We.really forget that colours in the sky or free WiFi or a small home..these everyday things we take for granted..they are also such immense blessings from.the Almighty.

    Alhamdulilah. Indeed.

  6. I love all these! Scrolled through to find the UK πŸ™‚ and the illustrations are beautiful – do you guys do them? They are so unique! May Allah increase you in your passion for this project inshaAllah!

    • Jazakillah khair for your kind words Iman. At first, we used to hand paint each and every art piece, but we soon learned how exhausting it gets and how slow the whole series go. So now we outsource as well πŸ™‚

  7. Al Hamdullah for Allah being who He is………..just heard a lecture mentioning that the other day. in sha Allah as for me and for the ummah and the worlds, may really truly have that ingrained in our hearts. ameen.

  8. As a former pessimist I always used to concentrate on the negative but just by writing one thing to say Alhamdulillah for once a day I’ve been able to control and change my mindset. Speakers like Na’ima B. Robert from Sisters-Magazine Asmaa from Ruqaya’s Bookshelf kathryn jones from peaceful parenting and giveaways including Halal Goodies Zaytoon Naturals etc.


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