Does gaining the knowledge of Islam scare you? Keep these 5 points in mind to make the journey as smooth as possible (in shaa Allah).
A Muslim's mini Gratitude Journal reviewed and featured on different blogs/websites - with few bloggers offering exclusive FREEBIES from the series + testimonials from around the world - UK, Singapore, USA, Pakistan, UAE, Australia, KSA, Canada etc.
Since Eid is all about giving and receiving gifts, so here is a list of 10 Islamic etiquettes to follow with ahadith and Quranic verses as references. See beautiful examples of gift wrapping inside.
This Ramadan, let's fast beyond food through fasting of thoughts, eyes, tongue, heart, hands and feet! Because fasting is more than just an empty stomach!
Lessons I learned in 23 years of anger management. (by Anonymous Guest Writer)
It takes the strongest muscle in your body to show such love. But like all muscles, the more you'll use it, the stronger it will get inshaaAllah.
Gratitude Caption and/or Art Contest (with 12 Prize Bundles) to mark the official launch of #AlhamdulillahForSeries book - A Muslim's mini Gratitude Journal. A month of helping you develop an attitude of gratitude (in shaa Allah) because an ALHAMDULILLAH a day, keeps scarcity away.
A month of helping you and your kids develop an attitude of gratitude in shaa Allah. Because an Alhamdulillah a day keeps scarcity away.
An Islamic journal launched in 2015 - to develop a positive mindset in the ummah - that is focused on optimism and blessings in life to open doors for more joy and smiles.
Lesson#27: Reflections on Surah Baqarah سورة البقرة (The Cow): Verse 197-203 *definition of good in Islam*
Lesson#26: Reflections on Surah Baqarah سورة البقرة (The Cow): Verse 189-196
*Allaah loves the doer of good*