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Does gaining the knowledge of Islam scare you? Keep these 5 points in mind to make the journey as smooth as possible (in shaa Allah).
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A Muslim's mini Gratitude Journal reviewed and featured on different blogs/websites - with few bloggers offering exclusive FREEBIES from the series + testimonials from around the world - UK, Singapore, USA, Pakistan, UAE, Australia, KSA, Canada etc.
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Since Eid is all about giving and receiving gifts, so here is a list of 10 Islamic etiquettes to follow with ahadith and Quranic verses as references. See beautiful examples of gift wrapping inside.
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This Ramadan, let's fast beyond food through fasting of thoughts, eyes, tongue, heart, hands and feet! Because fasting is more than just an empty stomach!
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Lessons I learned in 23 years of anger management. (by Anonymous Guest Writer)
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It takes the strongest muscle in your body to show such love. But like all muscles, the more you'll use it, the stronger it will get inshaaAllah.
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Gratitude Caption and/or Art Contest (with 12 Prize Bundles) to mark the official launch of #AlhamdulillahForSeries book - A Muslim's mini Gratitude Journal. A month of helping you develop an attitude of gratitude (in shaa Allah) because an ALHAMDULILLAH a day, keeps scarcity away.
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A month of helping you and your kids develop an attitude of gratitude in shaa Allah. Because an Alhamdulillah a day keeps scarcity away. An Islamic journal launched in 2015 - to develop a positive mindset in the ummah - that is focused on optimism and blessings in life to open doors for more joy and smiles.
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Lesson#27: Reflections on Surah Baqarah سورة البقرة‎ (The Cow): Verse 197-203 *definition of good in Islam*
Lesson#26: Reflections on Surah Baqarah سورة البقرة‎ (The Cow): Verse 189-196 *Allaah loves the doer of good*