Gratitude Journal for Muslims (#Alhamdulillah For Series)

front and backside of the book, teach muslim kids about gratitude, teach gratefulness, raising muslim kids, ayeina_official
A month of helping you and your kids develop an attitude of gratitude in shaa Allah. Because an Alhamdulillah a day keeps scarcity away. An Islamic journal launched in 2015 - to develop a positive mindset in the ummah - that is focused on optimism and blessings in life to open doors for more joy and smiles.

Controlling Parental Anger through Islam

ayeina ayesha farooq understand quran list muslim children
Controlling parental anger with the help of Ahadith and Qur'anic verses.

Short Ahadith for Kids to Learn (in Arabic): 2 Words

two word ahadith, ayeina, short ahadith for kids, arabic learning for kids, muslim homeschooling, raising muslim kids
Mini Ahadith series is the collection of short ahadith for kids to help them memorize parts of a hadith (or full) one by one, while practicing Arabic too. Starting from two word ahadith and gradually progressing to more.

Short Ahadith for Kids to Learn (in Arabic): 1 Word

two word ahadith, ayeina, short ahadith for kids, arabic learning for kids, muslim homeschooling, raising muslim kids
Mini Ahadith series is the collection of short ahadith for kids to help them memorize parts of a hadith (or full) one by one, while practicing Arabic too. Starting from two word ahadith and gradually progressing to more.

How to Deal with Aggression in Children (according to Islam)

ayeina, anger management for kids in islam, aggressive kids, solutions for controlling anger in kids, reasons why kids get angry
The reasons of aggression among children and their solutions in Islam.

Finding Hope in Miscarriage as a Muslim

ayeina featured in print publication
A letter to my sister's stillborn fetus...

Aggression in Children: Causes and Solutions

ayeina, anger management for kids in islam, aggressive kids, solutions for controlling anger in kids, reasons why kids get angry
The reasons of aggression among children and their solutions in Islam.

Tears – NOT a Sign of Weakness

ayeina samina farooq photography
Shedding tears isn't just a "woman" thing. It's a beautiful sunnah.

How Muslims should React to an Earthquake

teaching Muslim Kids about natural disasters, full blue moon, eclipse, salat ul kusoof, dua for strong winds, masnoon dua, charity, repentance, tremors
How should a Muslim react in the face of natural disasters and how to talk to kids about them. (music-free animated video embedded for explanation along with free printables on survival strategies - emergency plan).

A Love Letter to My Children

ayeina samina farooq
A love letter to my daughter <3 expression of love from a mother to her precious daughter
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