A List of My Favourite Duas as a Parent

1) Dua for patience This is one of my favorite duas as a parent - that I find myself repeating often! "Our Lord, pour upon us...

List of Aayaat from the Quran that Helped Me as a Parent

1) Validation from Allah of all the hardships as a mother "And We have enjoined upon man for his parents. His mother carried him,...

How to Help Kids Understand the Hadith

Related articles: Short Ahadith for Kids to Learn (in Arabic): 1 Word Short Ahadith for Kids to Learn (in Arabic): 2 Words Good Deed a Day...

How to Help Kids Understand the Quran

Related articles: How I taught Quran to My 5yr old in 5 Months (+FREE Quran Lesson Plan) How to Help Kids Love Quran and Sunnah...

40 Hadith Journal (English & Arabic Copywork for Muslim Kids)

Buy Digital (Nawawi) ; Buy Digital (Qudsi) ; Buy Digital (Shama'il Muhammadiyah) See how we have been using it with the kids in our highlights:...

30 Crafts to Teach Kids 5 Pillars of Islam

5 pillars of islam craft for muslim kids
5 Pillars of Islam Craft Contest 2022 AYEINA hosted a '5 Pillars of Islam Craft Contest' with the purpose of connecting kids (and even adults)...

Ramadan Good Deed a Day for Muslim Kids (with 30 ahadith FREE printable)

'A good deed a day' activities for Muslim kids with 30 ahadith references along with Islamic resources (shows/cartoons/games/ebooks etc.) for kids to solidify those concepts from the Sunnah. It comes with FREE printable hadith coins that can be used as motivational tools for kids in Ramadan and beyond, to not only learn more about their deen, but also apply the knowledge they gain while having fun in shaa Allah.

5 Pillars of Islam – Fabric Quiet Book for Muslim Kids

interactive fabric quiet book for little muslim kids
"5 Pillars of Islam" is an Islamic fabric quiet book with 10 interactive pages for helping little Muslims practice and improve their fine motor skills, hand eye coordination, and sensory processing through play. Let your child learn the basic foundation of Islam - its five pillars: Shahada (TAWHEED), Prayers and its various positions (SALAH), Sunnah foods to start or end the fast with (SAWM), the meaning of giving (ZAKAT), and the rites of HAJJ through visual stimulation and tactile sensation.

Ka’bah Crafts to Try with Kids (2D Kaaba activities)

kabah crafts to do with kids
Scholars have differences of opinion in terms of Kaaba models. Hence I have only included 2D crafts in this blogpost. The Ka'bah (Arabic: ٱلْكَعْبَة, lit. 'The Cube') is a building...

Eid ul Adha Crafts to Try with Kids (DIY sheep activities and more)

eid-ul-adha crafts with Muslim kids islamic activities
Previous: Islamic Book Crafts 2019 ; Kids' Crafts 2020 ; Arabic Letter Crafts 2021 ; English Letter Crafts 2022 ; Hajj Crafts 2022 Muslims celebrate...