hands in dua ayeina

Note: Refer to the hyperlinks for references. The poem is composed of a list of all the Quranic duas to supplicate.


O Allah! I only ask You of everything

Your hand is always the only one giving


So guide me to the straight path, not rugged

Show me the ways of Your beloved


Don’t make me an ignorant being

And let my knowledge be increased


Grant me an entrance and living in a safe place

With provision of fruits from Your divine grace


Grant me a righteous child, leave me an heir

And make me with them, an establisher of prayer


Accept my services, they’re only for You

Make me Muslim and my descendants too


Make among them, reciters of Your book

May they teach Your wisdom without any crook


Keep us safe from evil of everything created

Especially from black magic and envy never sated


The best of the world is what I want

With the best of Hereafter sprinkled on top


Burden us not with what we can’t bear

Forgive me, my parents and everyone dear


Shape for us right conduct in our plight

Forgive our excesses, set them forthright


Protect us from torment of the world and Your fire,

From incitements of devil and the heart’s evil desire


May I die as a believer and resurrected as one

Joined with the righteous as inheritors of heaven


Don’t disgrace me when in front of You I stand

Have mercy on me instead as You have the upper hand


Show mercy on my parents and engulf me in it as well

Perfect for us our light as we pass over the Hell


Open for me my chest and make easy my task

Free my tongue for the questions they ask


Decide between us and let the truth win

And register us among the witnesses of it


Make my family for me, my strength and help

I only complain to You of the grief inside I held


Make my spouse and children, comfort to my eyes

Build for me near You, a home in Paradise


Make me grateful and help me do what pleases You

With a reputation and legacy, later generations look up to


Pour upon us patience and plant firmly our feet

Don’t grant victory to the wrongdoers‘ fleet


Make us not, for unjust ones, a prey

Or place us among them that we become they


Support us against the corrupting nations

Please O Lord! Accept all my supplications


Because I am in need of whatever good you bestow me


PART 2: Masnoon Duas



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