List of resources and advice from Arabic teachers etc. to help instill the love of Arabic in kids from a very young age - to help them learn and understand Qur'an better once they grow up in shaa Allah - refer to the previous post for more steps.
4 steps and a list of resources to help instill the love of Arabic in kids from a very young age - to help them learn and understand Qur'an better once they grow up in shaa Allah. More steps in the next part...
9 negative digital habits that affect your relationship with Allah, your loved ones and those in the community. and 9 solutions to combat them. Let's get digital smart and disconnect to connect!
Nazia Nasreen from the famous "Ibraheem Toy House" guides you step by step on how to build a successful Islamic online business from home in shaa Allah.
Benefits of Hijama - from physical/emotional health benefits to spiritual ones because of following a sunnah.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The best medical treatment you apply is cupping.
How to develop an attitude of gratitude which benefits your body, mind & soul.
HUGE FREEBIE bundle inside -Positivity mood board/ Alhamdulillah vision board.
A love letter to my foster daughter - who has no religious bounds to give the parental rights to me, but I have no legal bounds to give the motherly love to her.
The Rules of toddler-ingdom - 6 rules in each empire of clothes, food, play & sleep. A free printable for your sanity to understand your toddler's code of conduct.
Ask yourself these questions and learn the steps to earn a Halal Income as a writer. You will also explore what careers you can choose if you love writing - different jobs you can get as a writer.
10 effective ways to raise better practicing Muslim kids in shaa Allah.
(BONUS: free printable of Qur'anic duas for pious kids & list of music-free Islamic cartoons (English and Arabic) for Muslim children).