List of Free printable Eid Party Packs - Table Decor, Eid Banner/ Garland/ Flags/ Bunting, Cards/ Posters, Eid Envelopes/ Wrapping Sheets/ Boxes and Eid Gift Tags/Stickers
Ramadan / Eid
Involving Kids in the Ramadan Spirit (+ FREE printables) – Updated: 2023
Zayeneesha - 9
List of Free Ramadan Printable Advent Calendar good deed a day challenges along with an ultimate list of Ramadan coloring pages, cards, crafts, decor, worksheets and activities for kids. While AYEINA also offer a FREE Ramadan and Eid printable bundle to help you involve kids in the Ramadan Spirit in shaa Allah
Ramadan / Eid
Confessions of a Practicing Muslim (+FREE Ramadan Printables) – Updated: 2023
Samina - 11
Confessions of a practicing Muslim who suffers through the weakness of imaan and now awaits Ramadan anxiously to bring back that strength - this poem is a simple way to address the issue of expecting perfection from someone who can easily be identified as a Muslim - who LOOKS so Muslim.
Step by step guide on all the funeral rites of a Muslim child - (can also be used for adults). Free illustrated printable of shrouding steps inside for ease + summarized ghusl and funeral prayer steps.
What are you grateful for? (Alhamdulillah for ______?) - Joy is contagious so spread your positive vibes by entering the Gratitude Caption Contest (based around #AlhamdulillahForSeries).
Meriem narrates how an attitude of gratitude rescued her not only from her cancer but also from her disability to hear - which has only made her more ‘able’ - able to listen from her heart.
Make a dua that gets accepted (with the will of Allah) - by following effective methodologies from the Qur'an (complete list of Qur'anic duas etc.), Sunnah (best times to supplicate etc.) and personal experiences (creating a vision board etc.).
Let's take a vow of lifetime commitment and develop a beautiful relationship with Quran through baby steps that may take us to Jannah one day in shaa Allah.
International stockists of softcover Gratitude Journal for Muslim kids & adults based around #AlhamdulillahForSeries to instill positivity with one Alhamulillah a day.
Dr. Noor ul Hussain K. teaches the art of effective speaking according to Islam - With examples from the beautiful sunnah of Prophet (ﷺ) and Qur'anic verses