Home Authors Posts by Samina


samINA (the second half of ayeINA) – a mum of three, currently studying Intensive Arabic Program from Islamic Online University with a previous degree of Electronic Engineering and Ta’leem ul Qur’an. She’s a writer by heart, photographer by eye, an artist by nature and a Muslim by soul.

Ways to Instill Love of Arabic in Kids

4 steps and a list of resources to help instill the love of Arabic in kids from a very young age - to help them learn and understand Qur'an better once they grow up in shaa Allah. More steps in the next part...

A Letter to My Daughter (through wet-nursing)

A love letter to my foster daughter - who has no religious bounds to give the parental rights to me, but I have no legal bounds to give the motherly love to her.

Paying markets for Islamic Writers

If you are a Muslim writer who wants to write about Islam, then following are the paying markets for Islamic writers. *AYEINA announcing paid submissions*

SHE (a poem for her)

Importance of SHE - roles of a woman rolled in different shapes and forms, ages and norms, within calm and the storms - a poem for HER.

Packing Checklist for Hajj/Umrah with Kids

If you are traveling for Hajj/Umrah with Kids, then this packing checklist with the tips and tricks will help you in this spiritual journey in shaa Allah.

6 Ways To Fast Beyond Food‏

This Ramadan, let's fast beyond food through fasting of thoughts, eyes, tongue, heart, hands and feet! Because fasting is more than just an empty stomach!

Love Yourself the Halal Way – Self Love in Islam

It takes the strongest muscle in your body to show such love. But like all muscles, the more you'll use it, the stronger it will get inshaaAllah.

Gratitude Journal for Muslims (#Alhamdulillah For Series)

A month of helping you and your kids develop an attitude of gratitude in shaa Allah. Because an Alhamdulillah a day keeps scarcity away. An Islamic journal launched in 2015 - to develop a positive mindset in the ummah - that is focused on optimism and blessings in life to open doors for more joy and smiles.

سورة البقرة‎ (The Cow): Verse 104-112

Lesson#16: Reflections on Surah Baqarah سورة البقرة‎ (The Cow): Verse 104-112. *Gratitude*

Minimalist Blogger’s Guide to Organisation Apps

These are the four apps that I use day in and day out. They are installed on every single device that I own. Which ones are your go-to organisation apps?