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Guest Writer

May Allaah reward AYEINA's community writers for their contributions to benefit the Ummah at large. If you feel like you have something you can contribute, submit it to submissions@ayeina.com.

When to say In shaa Allah and when not to

by Sabit Ololade What is 'In shaa Allah'? It is an Arabic expression meaning 'If Allah wills' (this is usually said when referring to...

Moving to Singapore: How Muslim Expats Can Prepare For Their Big...

Singapore is one of the prime destinations for families looking to move abroad, and the reasons are crystal-clear. Worldwide, Singapore is ranked as the 7th safest...

Muslim-Friendly Travel Destinations Every Family Member Can Enjoy

Sponsored post The halal tourism market could reach over USD 200 billion by the year 2020. This means that more Muslim families are starting to enjoy...

Treasure Hunt for Muslim Kids (+ other Islamic Games & Activities...

by Stefanie (in collaboration with Team AYEINA) The thrill of a treasure hunt is something that brings joy to children and adults alike. For me,...

30 Crafts Based on Children’s Islamic Books

Muslim kids need representation in the books they read to be able to strengthen their identity and Islamic books to strengthen their faith - so scroll through to find 30 crafts based on 30 Islamic and Muslim books. This can be ideal for Ramadan, but works even when kids are on their school break or after school or when you are looking for ways to add some creativity in your homeschool.

7 Ways to be Happier as a Single Muslimah

This post is for sisters who are not yet married and struggling to cope with all that that entails, sisters who have to handle...

3 Fitness Lessons From the Sunnah

Many Muslims want to be active, but struggle to incorporate fitness into a busy lifestyle. Probably you've heard the hadith: Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said,...

Halal Business Advice from a Muslimah Entrepreneur

by Madiha Basheer (owner of Little Muslims Gift Factory) Whenever we talk about Muslim entrepreneurship, I can't help but think about Khadija (رضي الله عنها‎)...

سورة البقرة‎ (The Cow): Verse 215-220 Reflections from Surah Baqarah

Previous: سورة البقرة‎ (The Cow): Verse 204-214 LESSON #29 (reflections by Jamila Jones) Chapter 2: Verse  215-220   Spending We spend most of our time trying to accumulate more and...

Steps to Help Kids Memorize Quran (tips from a mother of...

Team AYEINA in collaboration with Shabnam - mother of Quran huffadh Maariya & Yusuf Aslam (both of them memorized the whole Quran at the...