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From Finite to Infinity – Life in Jannah (part 2)

Maybe you had daughters that you treated so well Maybe your children died and your sabr pulled you up Maybe you died with them, never bidding Islam farewell Sticking to Laa ilaaha as last words for a ticket above

10 Advices from Older Me to My Younger (Teenage) Self

I don't really know from where should I start... This might seem strange but the future I am in, where time is not a line but a dimension, such things are possible. So much has happened in the past years that I don't want to worry you with all the future details. Worry is the biggest enemy of the present moment while future is inevitable. For you, today and tomorrow are yet to be said. I know you will be curious to know the fine intricacies of your life to come. I know. Been there done that. But there are some things that I will tell you, not your future, but the things you could do to improve your attitude towards it.

From Finite to Infinity – From Dunya to Jannah (part 1)

A journey from this temporary world to a forever land of fantasies.

Happy to Not be Me

How society teaches us to be ourself yet force down our throats, the photoshopped images and unrealistic standards. So instead of trying to be everyone else, a realistic ideal is presented. So I'm happy to not be me !

10 Practical Tips to Memorize the Quran

"And We have certainly made the Quran easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?" [Quran, 54:17]

A Love Letter to My Children

A love letter to my daughter <3 expression of love from a mother to her precious daughter

How to Keep That Required Sanity and Iman as a New...

I know handling kids can be over whelming, tiring and feels like a whole tornado inside your body...but I tell you mothers, you should always have a baby small enough to fill your arms, fix in your lap - one who only babbles, squeals n squeaks...because they are the ones who keep you sane too

Importance of Reciting Surah Kahf on Friday & Memorizing its 10...

Because Prophet (saws) asked us to… and he only asked us what he did himself. So consider it as a sunnah as well (not just the way of prophet (saw) but of so many companions, successors and so on…). I have never come across memorization of any specific surah/ayaat except for this. "If anyone learns by heart the first ten verses of the Surah al-Kahf, he will be protected from the Dajjal." [Muslim]


4 Qul rhymed


Self-healing through repentance.