15 Secrets of an Accepted Dua (+FREE dua diary)

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Make a dua that gets accepted (with the will of Allah) - by following effective methodologies from the Qur'an (complete list of Qur'anic duas etc.), Sunnah (best times to supplicate etc.) and personal experiences (creating a vision board etc.).

How to Make Dhikr and Dua a Daily Habit

Steps to make Dhikr an effortless routine along with free online Dua & Adhkaar resources like free ebook downloads, printables, audio lectures and recitations etc.

Productivity Journal for Muslims (I will in shaa Allaah)

Islamic Productivity Journal will give you templates &prompts along with watercolor illustrations in each category that will spark reflection & motivation - categories include: spiritual and personal development, exercises to strengthen relationships and define your goals.

People Whose Duas were Answered (Stories from Quran and Ahadith)

Stories of hope from Quran and Ahadith - List of people whose Duas were answered immediately by the mercy of Allah.

Practical Advice for New Muslims from a Fellow Convert

welcome to islam with all the good you did in the past free card printable watercolour purple pink gradients
THERE are two questions I repeatedly answer, as I am sure most people that have followed similar paths in life do: “Why did you...

How to Ease the Path towards Seeking Knowledge‏

Does gaining the knowledge of Islam scare you? Keep these 5 points in mind to make the journey as smooth as possible (in shaa Allah).

Forgiveness in Islam: Even When You Can’t Forget

what is forgiveness? Why we hold grudges? and how to forgive even when it seems impossible to forget - a perspective of psychology and Islam on letting go.

When to say In shaa Allah and when not to

by Sabit Ololade What is 'In shaa Allah'? It is an Arabic expression meaning 'If Allah wills' (this is usually said when referring to...

Long Awaited Home

Sometimes I just don't feel like living... not like a forever-not-living feeling! But I need a break, break from motherhood, break from wife-hood, break from simply being human. Break from the perpetual civil war that I am in which so many souls are fighting to survive, destroying each other in the process...

How to Start Your Quran Journey

Four important steps to follow before you start studying Qur'an.