How to Gain Better Self Awareness as a Muslim

Importance of self awareness in Islam and its benefits along with 5 Free tried & tested online Personality Tests to help you get to know yourself better iA.

99 Names of Allah أسماء الحسنى (authentic list with references and resources)

Authentic list of 99 names of Allah with root words and references from Qur'an & Sahih Ahadith + Free online resources to know more about Allah, His Names & His Attributes

Effective Ways to Uphold Kinship Ties

Practical steps to maintain strong kinship ties (with free family tree printable)+ tips on dealing with toxic family members/relatives without severing ties

Stress Management Tips from Qur’an and Sunnah

Islamic guidance on Managing Stress with 10 effective tips +5 Powerful Duas that remove Grief, Worries, Negativity and Stress (according to Qur'an & Sunnah)

How to Give Charity When You Love Dunya

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Practical Steps to convince your soul to be more giving + 10 small deeds to start off with even when you have no money - for charity or sadaqah jaariyah.

Do’s and Don’ts of Istikhara (+FREE dua printable)

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How to do istikhara (a step by step guide + free dua printable and audio/video files to help you memorize it) & instructions on how to not do it - removing misconceptions around salat-ul-istikharah.

5 Ways to Conquer Decluttering Your Home (+5 Free Printables)

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Physical Decluttering (with list of free printables and checklists) - a declutter plan by Iman Said on how you can organise your home to make time for things that are more important in shaa Allah.

When Was The Last Time You De-cluttered Your Mind?

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Mental Decluttering - a declutter plan on how you can lighten your mental load to make time for things that are more important in shaa Allah.

Practical Steps to Pray on Time

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Have you been struggling to pray on time? Especially as a mother of small kids? Here are the practical steps and quick tips to help you pray on time amidst your busy schedule in shaa Allah.

Productivity Journal for Muslims (I will in shaa Allaah)

Islamic Productivity Journal will give you templates &prompts along with watercolor illustrations in each category that will spark reflection & motivation - categories include: spiritual and personal development, exercises to strengthen relationships and define your goals.