The Barakah Planner is available in 3 formats:
2) PRINT – softcover (Amazon – size: 8.5”x8.5”):
3) PRINT – WRITE & WIPE EXTENSION PACK (with whiteboard binder productivity journal) – available in a bundle:
The word BARAKAH is from the root words Ba-Ra-Kaf (ب ر ك) – meaning: “blessing, growth, abundance, to become steady, to stay in place (permanent), prosperity, happiness, increase, good fortune etc.”
In terms of everyday life activities, it means that little suffices. Barakah is about quality rather than just quantity. Barakah is the abundance of goodness and its continuity. It’s not necessarily a specific blessing (ni’mah) itself, but an increase in that given bounty (value addition). Imagine planting a seed in the ground and expecting one tree in return, but coming back to see a whole forest instead.
Hence Barakah Planner (published in 2018) is a continuation of our PRODUCTIVITY JOURNAL (which was published in 2017 to aid Muslims in their spiritual and personal development journey while helping them strengthen their relationships and maintain their goals /dreams). It will help you streamline your daily life so you can focus on what’s most important to you, whether you’re outlining your goals for the entire year or just focusing on doing a little better one day at a time.
This planner is UNDATED, which means you can use it year after year! It encourages you to plan your day around your 5 daily prayers and make Qur’an and Hadith reflection a priority in your life so you can maximize the barakah in your time in shaa Allah. It contains sections like: Yearly Gregorian and Hijri Planner | Monthly Undated Planner with Barakah related verse or hadith | Weekly Planner with high and low priority section | Weekly Hadith Journal | Weekly Qur’an Journal. You can find details of the each section below:
Yearly Gregorian and Hijri Planner
There are 12 undated Gregorian-months sections for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December and 12 undated Hijri-months sections for Muharram, Safar, Rabi’ ul-awwal, Rabi’ uth-thani, Jumadi ul-awwal, Jumadi uth-thani, Rajab, Sha’ban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhul-Qa’da, Dhul-Hijja. In the gregorian section, you can lay out your main goals for the year dividing them into months while in Hijri section, you can highlight your spiritual goals for the year (especially that are related to the Islamic months – for eg: revision of Quran in Ramadan or finishing your Islamic course in Dhul Hijja etc.). Every month, you tackle one habit at a time because year after year, you are a project for yourself.
Monthly Undated Planner
With Barakah verse/hadith to focus on each month, the undated Gregorian/Hijri monthly planner layout helps you welcome Barakah in your life by tackling each day of each month. This layout will help you see your whole month in one glance (without going into the depths of a daily schedule – which you can plan with more detail in the Daily Salah Planner section where each day is divided into 5 salah slots to help you plan your day around salah times).
The 12 Steps that you can take ( 1 each month ) according to the planner are:
1) Believing and trusting in Allah
2) Developing piety (taqwa)
3) Praying at prescribed time
4) Getting up early in the morning
5) Reading & reflecting upon the Qur’an
6) Sending blessings upon the Prophet (ﷺ)
7) Practising gratitude
8) Giving charity (sadaqah)
9) Repenting (doing istighfaar)
10) Being Honest
11) Greeting with Salam
12) Unity / Eating together
Referenced ahadith/verses of all these headings are given in the planner.
Weekly Planner
This category helps you plan your week with high and low priority sections to help you internalize your goals in a more systematic manner. so you can realize which tasks can take a backseat in your long long to-do list and which tasks need to be prioritized because the key to achieving your goals is focusing on the important rather than the urgent. The two sections will really help you see what REALLY matters so you don’t overcrowd your schedule.
Weekly Qur’an Journal
There are 4 sections in a month for Quran journaling so if you don’t want to commit to it daily, studying Quran is still on your radar each week to help you build a habit of being attached to the word of Allah. You may either simply jot down your favorite verse of the week or you can choose to highlight one main aspect of learning from the verses you read. (The digital version also has a bonus page for daily Quran reflection which you can strive to commit to because Quran should be a part of our daily life).

Weekly Hadith Journal
There are 4 sections in a month for Hadith journaling so if you don’t want to commit to it daily, studying hadith is still on your radar each week to help you build a habit of being attached to the sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. You may either simply jot down your favorite hadith of the week or you can choose to highlight one main aspect of learning from the hadith you read. (The digital version also has a bonus page for daily hadith reflection if you can commit to that).
Daily Salah Planner (divided into 5 prayer sections)
First page is a write & wipe daily salah planner (in the print version – extension pack of the productivity journal) so you don’t have to constantly waste pages for your detailed daily schedules and notes. It means that you can plan your next day in detail around the salah the night before and once you’re done, you can wipe it off and start your next day plan. You can also stick the page onto your refrigerator or desk so your ideal schedule is right in front of you all day long. The aim is to help you make Salah your focal point so you can take control of your days, and ultimately your life in shaa Allah.
Instead of fitting salah in your daily schedule, you fit your to-do list around the prayer timings. It’s a simple technique to shift your mindset – to help you pray on time in shaa Allah and welcome barakah in your life as a result. It helps you pick out only five main tasks of the day – you can fill one slot with goals related to spiritual growth, one with personal development, one for strengthening relationships, one for your goals and dreams (career goals etc.) and the last one for sleep of course.
The difference seems small but it really helps you pray on time because it means that as soon as you hear the adhaan (through an app/software/clock or masjid), you drop the things that are in that time slot and get up for your prayer. And you work on the things in the next time slot after that. If things from the previous slot are missed, then let them be! It will help you be more time driven next time. I found that making 5 slots of my day made managing my day so much easier nonetheless. It made my to-do list so much focused alhamdulillah.
How to buy this undated Islamic planner:
Print (softcover – 8.5×8.5 inches) from Amazon:
Print (as an extension pack of the productivity journal – 10×10 inches) from AYEINA:
It is a bundle of 50+ punched pages with reinforcement stickers for the binder. First page is a write & wipe daily salah planner so you don’t have to constantly waste pages for your detailed daily schedules and notes. The dry erase marker that comes with the productivity journal (whiteboard binder) works with its laminated daily salah planner as well. Please note that rest of the pages are not write and wipe.
Reviews, Features and Testimonials:
You can see IG story highlights on BARAKAH PLANNER to see it in use!
- “I just started doing this and I have to say, I feel so much more productive and happier. I have tried so many other methods of making a daily schedule, but this one is so much simpler and effective. There is so much wisdom in planning your life around your salah, not your salah around your life. I don’t know why I did not think of doing this before. JazakAllah Khair!”
- “I got your planner through today!! It is lovely!!! The colours, the quotes, and the practicality. I have many different planners for my work, Uni, mum and I’m even starting a bullet journal, but I have never had something focus only on Islam and I love that. This is going to be something I will keep very close to me. JazakAllahu Khair.”
- “This is revolutionary! Dividing the day by Salah time instead of the typical “morning afternoon evening” sorta thing makes perfect sense! Also, it emphasizes prayer first which would put so much barakah in your time. I’ll shift my whole planning this year to this format! Thanks!”
- “I love my barakah planner. It made my days more focused and comfortable.”
- “Trying to opt for planning things around Salah.. Which I think is such a great idea.”
- “I ordered my planner finally! Jazakillahu Khairan for making it affordable for me to buy!”
May Allah put barakah in our lives so we can achieve all our dreams and yet never go through a burn out!