You can read all about the book here:
Available as digital printable/ printed copy HERE:
See more pictures on FACEBOOK
Following are the reviews of #AlhamdulillahForSeries by various bloggers. If you want to read more reviews on the world of internet (social media etc.), please refer to THIS LINK!
JeddahMom/ Words n Needles (KSA)
(pictures included)
“Every day, between Iftaar and Isha’a, we sat down together as a family to reflect on what things we could add to show gratitude for. Every day, my children came up to tell me about all the things that they were happy to say Alhamdulillah for…I found that #AlhamdulillahForSeries is a very good conversation starter. I have been able to talk to my children on topics that I never thought I could get out of them…”
Our Muslim Homeschool (UK)
(Video Review – November Homeschooling Favorites)
Children growing up in the West often face the risk of becoming “entitled” and forgetting how Blessed they truly are. Keeping a gratitude journal is a beautiful way to nurture shukr in your children’s hearts. We have been using the Softcover Gratitude Journal for Muslims – #AlhumdulillahForSeries…Finding time in our busy lives to reflect on the Blessings in our lives, is a very beneficial practice to teach to your children, and I would urge you find a way to begin this in your home.”
Oum Manna (France)
(pictures and video included)
“…not only it is important To show gratitude in our adult life but it is even more essential to teach this positive attitude to our children. One of the first Surah I learnt as a child and I taught to my daughters is Surah al-Fatihah. Why am I mentioning this here? Simply because this surah starts with “Alhamdulillah”…Have you ever noticed that many duas taught by the Prophet
also start with the same expression of gratitude? Even the morning supplication starts with, “Alhamdulillah” {alladhi ahyana ba’da ma amatana} (All praise and thanks be to the One who gave us life after making us dead)…My daughters fell in love instantly with the beautiful drawings and the simple but effective message. “
Sarah Javed (UK)
Step Inside My Handbag (UK)
(pictures included)
“I finally got around to ordering this book. I couldn’t help it. I’ve probably wanted it since I found out it existed. And because it’s so fast selling, I didn’t want to end up missing the chance of getting a hold of it…Okay, so I’ll have to admit, although I bought this book for my son, he’s still a bit young to fully understand it. Saying that, he still absolutely loves it! He’ll open it and flick through the pages which for me is more than enough for him to start understanding what it could be about. I have started explaining the book to him because I feel teaching gratitude in children from a very young age is important. And also going through it with him will remind me to be grateful. I find sometimes even as adults we need to remember to be grateful for the very basic things in life because there is someone somewhere wishing they could have what we have.”
Great Things in UAE
(video and pictures included)
Gambian Mommy (Gambia)
(pictures included)
“I came up with a (homeschooling) plan… an #Alhamdullillahfor journal wall which will have her ‘journaling’ what she is thankful for in art form as a poster that’ll go right up on the wall! We talk about the poster and I break down the words for her and explain what they mean. We then go on to talk about what we are grateful for and journal it in through an art or craft activity! Now the great thing about this journal is that it covers a whole month, so there’s something for everyday, making life super easy! I incorporated it into our Arabic language program by using the vocabulary found in the Arabic Alphabet Preschool Series, which gave us a wonderful opportunity to put the words in context. So new words and phrases were learnt and old words given meaning by putting it into context! After completing the first week alhamdullillah I have to say I was sold!”
Raising Young Believers (South Africa)
(pictures included)
“The illustrations are delightful, and appealing to every age group, from the youngest member in the family through to the oldest…I personally like the pages that allows one to fill in your own details, things that you are grateful for…I also particularly love that the book opens and closes with Quraanic aayah that highlight an importance of shukr, of gratitude!”
Mama Q3 on Hijrah TV (Malaysia)
Review starts from 10:15 onwards (in Malaysian language)
By Breharne (Australia)
(pictures included)
“It was so humbling for me to sit with my daughter and discuss what we are thankful for. Yes, she gave me the general kid like replies of TV, iPad and lollies. But she also said alhamdulillah for things like her baby sister and her dad. The gratitude journal we completed together will be placed into her memory box for us to reflect on in the future. I hope it will prompt happy memories of her and I sitting, laughing and talking together.”
(pictures included)
“When i was having a particularly difficult time, it was beneficial to go back to what i’ve written previously…”
Shahira (Qatar)
“For a few days now, I have been living with the guilt and sadness of having taken a break from my career, for which I have worked since 2006. There are so many factors that made me take this decision. Some days , I feel guilty that all I do from morning to night is change diapers, cook food and clean the house. In my head, I have called myself unproductive or wasting my youthful years inside the four walls of my home. I realized I needed a battery recharge. Or this might end up taking me down like the severe quarter-life crisis I underwent. I need to protect myself even before it starts. I remembered the Alhamdulilah For series book…Jotting down every aspect of motherhood I was grateful for might help me to look at my current situation through a brighter tinted glass…”
Youthly Hub (USA)
“For the believer, giving thanks and praise to Allah (SWT) is a way of life. This powerful and life changing concept is captured by the creative minds behind Team Ayeina. They recently launched #Alhamdulillah For Series book – ‘A Muslim’s mini gratitude journal’…Alhamdulillah for this beneficial initiative – I love the journal and encourage you to get one for yourself and a friend, colleague or loved one.”
Nutrition by Nazima (Canada)
“My daughter and I sat down to read through the journal. The images and colours are so vibrant to they were appealing to me but also to my 1-year-old! The repetitiveness of “Alhamdulillah for…” makes it a great read to keep young children engaged…There is also a section in the journal to write your personal “Alhamdulilah for…” each day. This is my favourite part of the journal as it allows me to refocus and re-centre myself in the midst of a hectic day.”
Blogs by FA (UK)
“I’d say this book is perfect to gift to the loved ones especially for teaching gratitude to children. The handmade water colour illustrations make it attractive and can easily help them learn and focus on gratitude and in staying positive…It has become so popular now, that it is also being translated to German and Arabic but they are further aiming to translate it into other languages…”
Fabulously Liberated (Nigeria)
(pictures included)
“with its beautiful illustrations and simple captions, might be what you need to refill your cup of happiness. It did great for me Alhamdulillah!…”
UsraNaeem (Pakistan)
(pictures included)
“I started reading & completing it & I can’t describe how I felt at that time. I know it is so hard to stay positive all the time in the world full of negativity but if you want to live a positive life, then trust me this Journal can help you. You will find your inner peace…”
Paper Batter Banter (KSA)
(pictures included)
“This would make a wonderful Eid gift to the ones you love, kids and adults. Better yet, it works as a great bonding activity to do with your children, nieces and nephews.”
Wellness Muslimah (USA)
“I deeply believe that being grateful is one of the most important aspects of being Muslim. While this is true, gratitude isn’t something that comes naturally. We must practice it, we must learn it, we must condition ourselves to be able to say “Alhamdulillah” in both the good and the bad times. This book is a great means to starting your lifelong journey of gratitude.”
Halal Mama (Poland)
(detailed pictures included)
“What’s great about the digital copy, is that when you run out of space after a month, you can do it all over again 🙂 And you can mix the pages up a little if you want. And you can customise your copy as you want – whether you glue it, bind it or tie it together with a ribbon, it’s entirely up to you!” (Also appeared on HalalFoodFestival)
Sisterly Yours (USA)
“I instantly owned the journal, made it mine…Came Week 3 and I fell in love with the journal even more. This is where I got to reflect upon my existence as a Believer – a Muslim…To sum my Ayeina AFS experience I’d say that I have loved the process of inner reflection it triggered inside me and the journey of gratitude it has set me off on. I am incorporating beautiful graphics from the AFS journal on my Ramadan Adventure Board, insha’Allah.”
Creative Khadija (Pakistan)
(pictures included)
“Inside the journal, there are cute illustrations & designs…The cover is designed as a blackboard with colorful chalks. Let’s WRITE 🙂 … Inside the mini journal, There is space given for sharing your mind. For writing about things you are thankful for.”
Mummy On My Mind (UAE)
“These beautifully illustrated journals allow you or your child to document all the things you are grateful for throughout the month.”
Aayesha Aijaz Bari (Pakistan)
“It involves themes of peace, love, rejuvenation and bonding with others and the Lord. The compilation alone is a feast for eyes, easy text with pretty illustrations, exactly what you need to read amidst the chaotic life devoid of faith. The underline message is what makes this journal a must have for you. It teaches us to be thankful for the simplest things we tend to ignore. Reading it made me realize about our massive hollow lives because we don’t acknowledge the blessings Lord has bestowed upon us. It’s something parents nowadays fail to instill in their children. #AlhamdulillahForSeries Gratitude Journal is a perfect book for Muslim kids – helpful in their sound upbringing, an easy way to teach kids the basics of our deen. We have been too busy teaching our kids fanciful stories or getting them hooked to latest gadgets, the generation of today is lacking basics of what makes us who we really are.”
Karima’s Crafts (UK)
“The journal covers a calendar month and I personally think this would be ideal for the month of Ramadan, or of course any month. There is a lovely watercolor painting for each day which would appeal to both adults and young children. I really like the layout and the designs in this book and would definitely recommend you having a look at this book.”
Bbreadings (Pakistan)
(pictures included)
“Tbh, whenever I see these illustrations, my heart swells with gratitude and I am thankful for the things I have in my life.”
AclockworkHafsa (Pakistan)
(pictures included)
“Guys, it is so gorgeous that it just melts your heart…And the journal keeps getting cuter with the turn of each page. Just read that definition and you will be in tears.”
Whispers and Walnuts (UAE)
“This would make an ideal coffee table book gift…Its a book you could ponder over on your own,with your kids,or a group of friends.”
Thelevitatingbibliophile (Pakistan)
(pictures included)
“Now what I liked most about this journal as a whole was that it wasn’t something too, you know, simple, or plain. For example, they hadn’t just said “Alhamdulillah for Umrah” but it mentioned an Imaan Boosting Journey and I can’t explain how on point that was…I think this is THE best thing I have ever laid my eyes on. Tbh, in a world where we even have to buy an iPad for a 3 year old so that he doesn’t cry and has to like, you know, be immersed in something, this is something you definitely need to buy.”
Hubb Halal (India)
“I have seen these lovely posters of the Alhamdullilah series via Facebook and on other blogs as well. I was instantly attracted to the whole idea about thanking Allah for random things that we often seem to take granted for. The watercolor illustrations make the book a unique one. With such creativity, both adults and kids alike are sure to enjoy reading the journal and learn to say Alhamdullilah for every gift in life.”
Reclaiming Heart (Saudi Arabia)
“I started to feel that “why me?” syndrome soon and despised all the positive things around me. Once we returned home, while I was going through my emails, I just happened to spot this book again. And Alhamdulillah!!! All the Praises and Thanks to ALLAH!! I quickly took the book and started reading. It was an eye-opening reminder. Well, I believe this is the magic that this book has to offer.”
A Ducktrinor Mom/ Djarabi Kitab Pub. (USA)
“This Muslim mini journal looks like a children’s book actually. It’s artistically designed and the illustrations are lovely, colorful, lively, and simple. I love the chalk board component to it. It screams instilling education…#AlhamdulillahFor Series would make great eid gift.”
NewLeaf (UAE)
“This book is enough to turn a frown into smile. In short, it is small dose of gratitude bound in pages with minimal words and overflowing with sentiments!”
Iqra Writes (Pakistan)
(pictures included)
“The moment I held the prettily wrapped package in my hands, I knew it was something special…“A Muslim’s mini Gratitude Journal” is Ayeina’s first ink-and-paper baby, filled with colorful watercolor illustrations, and printed on good quality paper…You can tell that a lot of heart has gone into this project. I appreciate that they have omitted facial features in their depictions of living things, which most people following Islamic media are used to and have come to expect.”
Ambreen/ ProudPakistani (Pakistan)
(pictures included)
“My first thought was this should be given to kids to develop a habit of gratitude in them from the beginning, but as I sifted through the pages, I realized that we, the adults, need it more than the kids. This journal reminds us to be grateful for the things that we adults take for granted. We have become too focused on all the negative things in life, ignoring the things (and even people) that make life better”
The Bookish Nomad (Pakistan)
“…It was one of those times when I was feeling quite low and stressed out…The empty page where I was allowed to fill up with stuff that I was grateful for was another good way to reflect on my life so far. After finishing one page of it every week I felt so good and positive. Sometimes we are so engrossed in seeing the things that are not right in our lives that we forget to be grateful for the things that are already right in our lives.”
Strokes of My Pen (Kenya)
Read Lubnah’s heartwarming Gratitude Journey that she embarked in Ramadan 2016 along with many others.
Please visit the list of International stockists to get one for yourself as well in shaa Allah.
1: Sisters Magazine
The #AlhamdulillahForSeries Celebrates Gratitude Globally
2: Muslim Mummy
Featured in Saturday Spotlight
3: My Halal Kitchen
Gratitude for Muslim Foodies Around the World
4: Muslim Girl
6 Products to Help You Practice Self-Care During Ramadan
5: Kitaab World
Books on Gratitude:
6: Youthly Hub
5 Eid Book Gift Ideas for Personal Growth
7: Olive Tree Study / Our Muslim Homeschool
5 Ways to Foster Shukr in our children
8: The Muslimah Guide
5 Inspiring Instagram Accounts you should follow
9: Islamopedia
10: The Aurora Project
11: Muslim Kids Guide
12: Blogs by FA
Ultimate Eid Gift Guide and Ideas
13: Jeddah Mom
The Best Islamic Toys and Books for Eid
14: Muslimah Bloggers
Things to be grateful for in Ramadan
Glad to see the series being reviewed by so many good bloggers. I’m sure it definitely is awesome!
The hard work of the founders deserves the success!
Jazakillah khair for your kind words Fatima 🙂
JazakAllah Khair for mentioning my Saturday spotlight mention of your book….In sha Allah I will review your book too at some point…just really behind with lots of stuff!
Oh it’s completely fine girl. We are honored to be a part of your blog in any form <3
Ohh I love the reviews of the book. In sha’Allah it’s on my to buy list. It sounds amazing!
Good to see the reviews of so many good bloggers..good series
The books looks great masha’Allah and the reviews are very positive. 🙂
Jazakillah khair Aaliyah ❤