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From Finite to Infinity – Life in Jannah (part 3)

A single life seed you sowed Reaped into forever more Each and every wish granted In fulfillment, you run out of more

From Finite to Infinity – Life in Jannah (part 2)

Maybe you had daughters that you treated so well Maybe your children died and your sabr pulled you up Maybe you died with them, never bidding Islam farewell Sticking to Laa ilaaha as last words for a ticket above

From Finite to Infinity – From Dunya to Jannah (part 1)

A journey from this temporary world to a forever land of fantasies.

Long Awaited Home

Sometimes I just don't feel like living... not like a forever-not-living feeling! But I need a break, break from motherhood, break from wife-hood, break from simply being human. Break from the perpetual civil war that I am in which so many souls are fighting to survive, destroying each other in the process...
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