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Physical Decluttering (with list of free printables and checklists) - a declutter plan by Iman Said on how you can organise your home to make time for things that are more important in shaa Allah.
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Mental Decluttering - a declutter plan on how you can lighten your mental load to make time for things that are more important in shaa Allah.
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Have you been struggling to pray on time? Especially as a mother of small kids? Here are the practical steps and quick tips to help you pray on time amidst your busy schedule in shaa Allah.
#AlhamdulillahForSeries gratitude journal, expectations, forgiveness, gratitude, grudges, memorization tracker, self awareness, personal resolutions, gratitude list, productivity journal for muslims
Reviews and Features of "I WILL in shaa Allah" Productivity Journal for Muslims. The Islamic journal has been divided into 4 categories - spiritual development, personal development, strengthening relationships and goals & dreams - to help you become a better Muslim inside out!
Islamic Productivity Journal will give you templates &prompts along with watercolor illustrations in each category that will spark reflection & motivation - categories include: spiritual and personal development, exercises to strengthen relationships and define your goals.
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Free printables, videos (rhymes/anasheed without music - English/Arabic), products, resources, craft ideas, games and stories to teach kids about the 12 months in Islam (Hijri Calendar).
Paint whatever you are grateful for! (Alhamdulillah for ______?) Joy is contagious so spread your positive vibes by painting anything that you're grateful for! The Gratitude Art Contest is based around #AlhamdulillahForSeries (explore the hashtag for ideas).
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6 reasons why plagiarism has no place in Islam - with references from Quránic verses, ahadith, quotes of the salaf defining tadlis (deceptive attribution) and real life experiences of Muslim writers/artists.
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Kamal Ali - founder of a famous Muslim brand "Hajj Safe" guides us how to take a simple idea in your head and turn it into a problem-solving unique product.
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Dear Muslim Mum, what part of your spirituality & motherhood makes you feel alone? Share it with us & witness mothers from around the world come for your support <3