سورة البقرة (The Cow): Verse 130-141
Lesson#19: Reflections on Surah Baqarah سورة البقرة (The Cow): Verse 130-141.
*Sibghat Allah*
Your Niqab Questions Answered!
There are many like me who hang this most controversial piece of cloth (niqab) on their face, unflinchingly and unapologetically. Those who aren’t smothered, oppressed or chained behind that veil.
Gratitude Art Contest (in partnership with Sprii (MiniExchange)) – CLOSED
A FREE to enter Gratitude Art Contest (with the prizes distributed by MiniExchange to one international and one UAE winner). This is an extension of our Instagram exclusive 'AlhamdulillahForSeries'.
Long Awaited Home
Sometimes I just don't feel like living... not like a forever-not-living feeling! But I need a break, break from motherhood, break from wife-hood, break from simply being human. Break from the perpetual civil war that I am in which so many souls are fighting to survive, destroying each other in the process...