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Guest Writer

May Allaah reward AYEINA's community writers for their contributions to benefit the Ummah at large. If you feel like you have something you can contribute, submit it to submissions@ayeina.com.

10 Ways to Increase Barakah In Your Life

What is BARAKAH and how to have more barakah in our life, time, wealth and deeds? Read the whole article to know all the practical steps about things you can do to gain more blessings in life.

10 Ways to Love Yourself as a Muslim

10 Steps towards self love in Islam. From avoiding peace-breakers & negative energy to using positive affirmations & believing that you're worthy. From forgiving yourself to utilizing your skills. From self awareness to better knowledge of the world. Download the free printable of a Qur'anic verse on self-worth.

How to Build Self Confidence through Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations to learn how to love and accept yourself the way Allah made you and customized your life specially for you. Download a free printable by "Zed and Q" to remind yourself why self love is an integral part of you as a Muslim.

How to Make Dhikr and Dua a Daily Habit

Steps to make Dhikr an effortless routine along with free online Dua & Adhkaar resources like free ebook downloads, printables, audio lectures and recitations etc.

How to Choose Friends in Islam

by Rimsha Tanaaz Without loved ones, life lacks meaning. It's in our nature to get attached to those around us, and this attachment begins with...

How to Open an Etsy Shop with Islamic Products

Etsy is the perfect place for anyone who loves to make things or likes to generate an income while working from home. Etsy offers...

5 Everyday Foods to Swap with Sunnah Foods for Your Health

5 food swaps for better health - list of sunnah foods to try instead. Ahadith and benefits mentioned.

How to Save Money for Hajj

5 practical steps on how to save money for Hajj - including free budgeting printable planners and worksheets, coupon sites to use, websites to increase your cash flow and most importantly, a hajj budget plan so you can one day fulfill this obligation of performing the pilgrimage in shaa Allah.

9 Ways to Build Habits that Last (+ FREE Habit Tracker)

Practical steps to build a new habit using S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Rewarding and Trackable/Timely) goal setting method and other effective tips and tricks to make those habits last - (along with a free habit tracker to help you track your progress).

7 Self Care Goals for Homeschooling Mums

Self Care Goals for busy mums - 7 practical goals to set on How to take care of yourself when you are taking care of everything and everyone - especially as a homeschooling mum. (or as any exhausted mum out there who could use some self love and care).
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