Home 2017 December

Monthly Archives: December 2017

Best of AYEINA (most popular posts) Each Year

Top ten popular posts of an Islamic blog AYEINA from each year since 2015 (run by two Muslim moms who are sisters by birth but best friends by choice) - There's a short preview of each year as well, highlighting our journey of introducing Islamic Journals and Islamic fabric quiet books in the Muslim world.

Productivity 3: Knowing Allah & Yourself, Forgiveness & Gratitude

Month 3 of Productivity Course for Muslims with topics from "I WILL in shaa Allaah" islamic journal - Memorization Tracker for 99 names of Allah, Self Awareness, Personal Resolutions & Gratitude List. (Bonus Challenge: Setting Short and Long Term Goals) + Free Islamic Printable Bundle of the Month (7 freebies included)

How to Introduce a Concept of Death To a Muslim Child

[A personal experience after death of my son] - Simple steps to introduce the concept of death to a Muslim child in a most natural and positive way - talking to them about life hereafter (grave, sadaqah jaariyah, barzakh, iliyyeen, sijjeen, munkar nakeer, jannah & the circle of life upon which this world revolves).

Forgiveness in Islam: Even When You Can’t Forget

what is forgiveness? Why we hold grudges? and how to forgive even when it seems impossible to forget - a perspective of psychology and Islam on letting go.

How to Gain Better Self Awareness as a Muslim

Importance of self awareness in Islam and its benefits along with 5 Free tried & tested online Personality Tests to help you get to know yourself better iA.

99 Names of Allah أسماء الحسنى (authentic list with references and...

Authentic list of 99 names of Allah with root words and references from Qur'an & Sahih Ahadith + Free online resources to know more about Allah, His Names & His Attributes
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