Reviews of “My First Bilingual Dhikr Pack” for Kids

PRODUCT DETAILS "Highly Highly recommend this book series. So well thought out. Great quality and AFFORDABLE! Alhamdulillah, may Allah weigh it heavy on their scale...

An Aayah a Day for Muslim Kids (+FREE printable)

This post is sponsored by Muslim Kids TV - Use code: AYEINA for 20% discount. PREVIOUS POST: A GOOD DEED A DAY FOR MUSLIM KIDS...

A Hadith That Changed My Life After Parenthood

PREVIOUS (related posts): List of Ahadith that Really Helped Me as a Parent Ahadith That Feel Like a Bandaid in Motherhood Narrated `Ali رضي الله عنه:...

List of Ahadith that Really Helped Me as a Parent

1) Allah's deeds-recording system based on intentions Allah's Messenger ﷺ said, "Allah says, 'If My slave intends to do a bad deed then (O Angels)...

Sunnahs of Expressing Love to Your Spouse (Husband/Wife)

RELATED ARTICLES: | Sunnahs of Expressing Love to Your Parents | Sunnahs of Expressing Love to Your Child | (NOTE: Although the plural of “sunnah”  سنة...

Ramadan Good Deed a Day for Muslim Kids (with 30 ahadith FREE printable)

'A good deed a day' activities for Muslim kids with 30 ahadith references along with Islamic resources (shows/cartoons/games/ebooks etc.) for kids to solidify those concepts from the Sunnah. It comes with FREE printable hadith coins that can be used as motivational tools for kids in Ramadan and beyond, to not only learn more about their deen, but also apply the knowledge they gain while having fun in shaa Allah.

Ka’bah Crafts to Try with Kids (2D Kaaba activities)

kabah crafts to do with kids
Scholars have differences of opinion in terms of Kaaba models. Hence I have only included 2D crafts in this blogpost. The Ka'bah (Arabic: ٱلْكَعْبَة, lit. 'The Cube') is a building...

Eid ul Adha Crafts to Try with Kids (DIY sheep activities and more)

eid-ul-adha crafts with Muslim kids islamic activities
Previous: Islamic Book Crafts 2019 ; Kids' Crafts 2020 ; Arabic Letter Crafts 2021 ; English Letter Crafts 2022 ; Hajj Crafts 2022 Muslims celebrate...

Hajj Crafts to Try with Kids this Dhul Hijja

hajj crafts islamic activities for Muslim kids
. Check out all the hajj, umrah, and dhul hijja articles: Allah gives us so many opportunities to multiply our rewards with minimal effort. Ramadan,...

Children’s Ultimate Eid Gift Guide – For Every Personality Type

This post is sponsored by Anafiya There’s nothing like seeing the smile on your kid’s face as they open their gifts on Eid morning after...