We recite Surah al Fatiha multiple times in each Salah where we ask Allah to guide us to the path of those who He blessed. The top on the list of those who were blessed and whose footsteps we should be following is the prophets. Therefore, in this article, we will look at some characteristics and traits that they possessed in order to learn from them.

1) Prophet Adam السلام‎ عليه (Repentance)

They said, “Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.” [7:23]

Allah does not expect perfection from his slaves and this is evident by the hadith of the prophet where he said “the best of those who commit sin are those who repent”. The first human being sent to this world taught us about the right attitude after sinning. He was placed in heaven and was instructed not to go near a specific tree. The Shaitan caused him to slip through evil whisperings and made him eat from the tree. He immediately realized his mistake and turned to Allah in repentance. Neither did he become hopeless of Allah’s mercy nor did he become arrogant after sinning. He took the responsibility for his actions by repenting to Allah for the sin he committed and the words are recorded in the Quran.

2) Prophet Nooh السلام‎ عليه (Consistency)

He said, “My Lord, indeed I invited my people night and day.” [71:5]

Inviting people to Islam can be extremely challenging, especially with all the anti-Islamic propaganda going on right now. In times of great hostility towards Islam and Muslims, Prophet Nooh teaches us the two most important etiquettes of da’wah: patience and consistency. He preached to his nation, day in and day out, for more than nine hundred years and faced both verbal and physical abuse due to it. Yet, the comments and harsh behavior of people did not deter him from his mission. Similarly, one should always begin the work of Da’wah with sincerity of intention and seek help from Allah throughout and especially when things get tough. What this does is that one keeps on going strong regardless of how people respond to their call. They ultimately know that they have fulfilled their duty of calling people to the right path with pure intentions and that he will not allow their efforts to go in vain. In the end, when Prophet Nuh had exhausted all his efforts he turned to Allah for help and prayed against the disbelievers.

3) Prophet Ibrahim السلام‎ عليه (Obedience)

When his Lord said to him, “Submit”, he said, “I have submitted to the Lord of the worlds.” [2:131]

He taught us to be obedient to Allah no matter how hard the commandment might be. He surrendered each time Allah tested him.

• Jumped in the fire.

• Left his wife and his infant child in the desert.

• Was ready to sacrifice his own son.

This teaches us that if you are obedient to Allah, he will make a way out for you and help you. Apparently, the tests looked hard but when he was steadfast and obeyed Allah, miracles happened. The fire cooled down, and fresh and pure water emerged from a spring to quench the thirst of his wife and son, and his son was replaced by a calf. Most of all, his obedience to Allah earned him the title of خليل الله (friend of Allah), and what better friend to have than Allah! For a person who is truly a Muslim no command of Allah is difficult enough to not be obeyed.  

4) Prophet Suleiman السلام‎ عليه (Humility)

“….This is from the favor of my Lord to test me whether I will be grateful or ungrateful…..” [27:40]

Prophet Sulieman was blessed with a kingdom the likes of which was and never will be given to anyone after him. He owned a palace made of glass. He ruled over not just humans but jinns and animals as well. Allah even made the wind obedient to his command. Yet all of this did not make him arrogant – instead, he was humble enough to realize the fact that all of those blessings are a test from Allah. A believer realizes that all that he has been blessed with is from Allah and that makes him increase his obedience and gratitude toward Him.

5) Prophet Yusuf السلام‎ عليه (Gratitude)

“…Allah has certainly favored us…” [12:90]

Yusuf went through a lot of difficulties during his lifetime! He was: 

• Separated from his father

• Thrown into a well 

• Sold as a slave 

• Accused of a sin he did not commit. 

• Locked behind the bars because of that false accusation. 

What does he have to say to his brothers when he meets them after years? (as mentioned in the Quran 12:90)…He said: “I am Yusuf (Joseph), and this is my brother (Benjamin). Allah has indeed been gracious to us… 

He eventually forgives his brothers and only mentions the favours of Allah and glorifies him.

This teaches us to look at the glass half full. Even when faced with the most difficult of challenges always choose to look at the things that are going right. This will help me become more grateful to Allah instead of always having a complaining attitude.

6) Prophet Yaqub السلام‎ عليه (Patience)

He said, “I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you do not know. [12:86]

Prophet Ya’qub endured the pain of separation from his most beloved son, Yusuf A.S. He patiently waited for the day he would see his return. He did shed tears so much so that he went blind in his eyes yet he held onto the rope of hope and patience. He complained of his pain and misery to Allah alone. Even though seeking counsel from those you trust is allowed but when times get tough direct all your worries and sadness to the One who can help you get out of it, Allah.

7) Prophet Musa السلام‎ عليه (tawakkul – trust upon Allah)

  said, “No! Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me.” [26:62]

As Prophet Musa and Bani Israel escaped the hostility they faced at the hands of Fir’aun, they were faced with a challenge which there could see no refuge from. In front of them was the sea and they were being followed by Firaun and his army. On finding themselves in such a desperate situation, Bani Israel remarked that they were going to drown but prophet Musa did not lose tawakkul on Allah. Even when the circumstances were all against them prophet Musa had strong faith that Allah would make a way out for them and He did by parting the sea for them to escape. 


Co-Author’s Bio: Hafsa is a student of the Quran with a degree in Accounting who loves to teach tajweed online.


  1. A very beautiful Article MashAllah. Sister please write more vlogs. I am not on social media, your blogs really help. Please write more. Jazaak Allah


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