BUY Jannah journal in 3 different formats
1) DIGITAL (pdf):
2) PRINT – DIY SOFTCOVER – on Amazon:
3) PRINT – 3D Spiral bound: jacketed hardcover – through retailers around the world (mentioned at the end of this post)
Jannah comes from the root word ج ن ن in Arabic – which means “hidden, covered, or invisible”. Even though Jannah is hidden from our senses right now, we can learn about it from Allah through Quran and Ahadith (narrations of Muhammad ﷺ – our last prophet and messenger of Allah) and hopefully that by learning how our senses work in this world, we’ll be able to imagine how our senses may work in Jannah in shaa Allah.
Muhammad ﷺ said that Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said: “I have prepared for My pious servants which no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard and no human heart has ever perceived such bounties” – leaving aside those about which Allah has informed you. He then recited (Qur’an; 32:17) – “No soul knows what comfort has been hidden for them, as a reward for what they did” [Hadith; Muslim]
Whenever your child feels stuck over something that is not possible or allowed in the world, tell them that there are a lot of things that we can’t do in this life. But in Jannah, we can do whatever we want, be whoever we wish to be, and have whatever we wish for. The Jannah verses and ahadith will help them imagine wider and better, while the arrays of colours and shapes in the journal will help them think more creatively and express themselves through art.

This Imagination Journal will give them descriptions of Jannah from Quran and Sunnah without illustrating any part of Jannah as to not inhibit their imagination or overstep the ruling of illustrating the unseen. Everything revolves around vibrant colours and lift-a-flap shapes – which will engage all of their senses and expand their imagination in a way they have never thought of Paradise before. Each section starts with an introduction to one of the human senses and discusses its use in the world while connecting it to aakhirah. Because the more they understand how their senses work in this world, the better they’ll be able to imagine how they may work in Jannah bi’idhnillah. This interactive book is divided into 5 sections (human senses):
1) SIGHT (visual pleasures of Jannah)
This section of the journal comes in all shades ofGREENand has all the (6) round and curved shapes – starting from forest green circle shape and ending on a mint pointed arch shape. Each shape is symmetrical hence it folds perfectly over its other half – making it an interactive lift-a-flap book with inspirational “in Jannah, I want…” quotes inside the shapes (to give kids ideas on how they can fill their journal as well) and related verse/hadith inside the flap. The space around the shape is given for the child’s customised art revolving around that shape (taking ideas from “art techniques to try” given with it). Shape and colour name along with hadith/verse reference are given on the page where “points to ponder” are also mentioned to initiate deep conversations about Jannah. All the shapes are followed by a journaling section based around what the kids would want to SEE in Jannah, along with 1 du’a for Jannah to memorise.

Allah has blessed some animals with the ability to see frequencies of light that humans can’t see. Our eyes only see shades of grey in the dark. Some animals can see in colour at night too. Some have polarized vision as well (which adds another dimension to their vision as they can see intense glares). A fish can see clearly underwater while human beings get blurry vision. Fun facts like these will make kids think of all the possibilities in Jannah – how their visual power can be enhanced. The ability to perceive more colours, focus in the dark, see underwater, stare at intense light without squinting the eyes, magnify the smallest of things and encompass the biggest of them – kids will realise that if world is so vast then their vision will have no boundaries in Jannah in shaa Allah.
In this section, my 5yr old has written captions like:
In jannah I want to see the top of jannah on my baba’s shoulders.
In jannah I want to keep playing with my sister without ever closing my eyes (sleeping).

2) SOUND (beautiful sounds of Jannah)
This section of the journal comes in all shades ofBLUEand has all the (6) foiled shapes – starting from a navy blue heart shape and ending on a sky blue multifoil arch shape. Each shape is symmetrical hence it folds perfectly over its other half – making it an interactive lift-a-flap book with inspirational “in Jannah, I want…” quotes inside the shapes (to give kids ideas on how they can fill their journal as well) and related verse/hadith inside the flap. The space around the shape is given for the child’s customised art revolving around that shape (taking ideas from “art techniques to try” given with it). Shape and colour name along with hadith/verse reference are given on the page where “points to ponder” are also mentioned to initiate deep conversations about Jannah. All the shapes are followed by a journaling section based around what the kids would want to HEAR in Jannah, along with 1 du’a for Jannah to memorise.

A human ear (which is only optimised for air) consists of 3 muscles used for hearing. On the other hand, a cat’s ears are controlled by approximately 36 muscles per ear which allows them to rotate their ears 180 degrees for full sound coverage. Some animals are skilled at detecting vibrations in other mediums besides air. Animals that live in water detect sound waves in water. Other animals can detect vibrations in more solid objects, sometimes even through vibrations from the ground. For eg: Pigeons can detect distant storms, earthquakes and even volcanoes. Bats can determine the locations and shapes of nearby objects by detecting the sounds waves that bounce off them – this is known as echolocation.
The journal talks about how Sulaiman السلام عليه (Prophet of Allah) could communicate with animals – He could even hear an ant. While Muhammad ﷺ could even hear objects, such as trees and stones. If all of this can happen in this world where everything is so limited, you can ask them to imagine the kinds of sounds they’ll be able to hear in Jannah in shaa Allah.
In this section, my 5yr old has written captions like:
In jannah, I want to say “I love you” to Allah taala.
In jannah I want Allah taala to pick me up.

3) SMELL (scents of Jannah)
This section of the journal comes in all shades ofPURPLEand has all the (6) basic polygon shapes – starting from purple square shape and ending on a lavendar fanoos shape. Each shape is symmetrical hence it folds perfectly over its other half – making it an interactive lift-a-flap book with inspirational “in Jannah, I want…” quotes inside the shapes (to give kids ideas on how they can fill their journal as well) and related verse/hadith inside the flap. The space around the shape is given for the child’s customised art revolving around that shape (taking ideas from “art techniques to try” given with it). Shape and colour name along with hadith/verse reference are given on the page where “points to ponder” are also mentioned to initiate deep conversations about Jannah. All the shapes are followed by a journaling section based around what the kids would want to SMELL in Jannah, along with 1 du’a for Jannah to memorise.

The book contains fun facts like – A bear’s sense of smell is 2,100 times better than that of a human. Allah has blessed animals with a more efficient ability to smell because they need it for their survival. They use it to avoid danger, communicate, find food, and locate their family. They can smell in 3D and determine the source and direction of every smell around them. It is amazing that our sense of smell affects our mood, memory, behaviour, and emotions. It is constantly taking us somewhere in our mind. When a scent is stored in memory alongside a specific feeling, our brain brings back the emotions we felt at that time. Smells can affect the mood in both the short and long term. Perhaps that’s why Jannah will bring us eternal bliss – with beautiful scents above, beneath, around, and within us, in shaa Allah (after that when you discuss the scents of Jannah one by one, they will be able to truly absorb the experience in shaa Allah).
P.S. If you are a mother using this journal with your child, you can tell them that when they were born, they recognized your scent before they even saw her. Because all of us have a signature odour, just as we have unique fingerprints.
In this section, my 5yr old has written captions like:
In jannah I want to smell flowers, rain, plants and marker.
In jannah I want Friday and Eid everyday (probably because they get to apply the itr on Friday and on both Eids).

4) TASTE (foods and drinks of Jannah)
This section of the journal comes in all shades ofREDand has all the (6) advanced polygon shapes – starting from maroon pentagon shape and ending on a blush decagon shape. Each shape is symmetrical hence it folds perfectly over its other half – making it an interactive lift-a-flap book with inspirational “in Jannah, I want…” quotes inside the shapes (to give kids ideas on how they can fill their journal as well) and related verse/hadith inside the flap. The space around the shape is given for the child’s customised art revolving around that shape (taking ideas from “art techniques to try” given with it). Shape and colour name along with hadith/verse reference are given on the page where “points to ponder” are also mentioned to initiate deep conversations about Jannah. All the shapes are followed by a journaling section based around what the kids would want to TASTE in Jannah, along with 1 du’a for Jannah to memorise.

You can start with fun facts given in the book that some animals have taste buds beyond their tongues. For example: A catfish has around 100,000 taste receptors all over its body. Because of this, it can locate the exact position of its food in the deep dark of the ocean. Every pore of a catfish is as sensitive as a tongue.
Or you can use some points to ponder from the book like – If people are in a positive mood, they are more sensitive to the taste of sweetness and if they are experiencing negative emotions, they are more sensitive to sour tastes! Everything, from our emotions to the colour of the food and the sounds around us, play an important part in how much we enjoy the food we are tasting. Hence, everything in Jannah will taste way more delicious than it does in this world. Even our favourite food will be infinity-times better there in shaa Allah because the whole ambience will aid in enhancing the taste.
In this section, my 5yr old has written captions like:
In jannah, I want billion sweet things.
In jannah, I want to eat snow and clouds.
In jannah, I want to a waterfall of grape juice and strawberry laban.
In jannah, I want to taste the fruit that Allah forbade Adam and Hawwa ( السلام عليهم ).
In jannah I want to sleep on a bed of cotton candy and marshmallows and eat it when I wake up.

5) TOUCH (physical feelings and emotional pleasures of Jannah)
This section of the journal comes in all shades ofYELLOWand has all the (6) geometric shapes – starting from a brown star shape and ending on a beige 10-fold rosette shape. Each shape is symmetrical hence it folds perfectly over its other half – making it an interactive lift-a-flap book with inspirational “in Jannah, I want…” quotes inside the shapes (to give kids ideas on how they can fill their journal as well) and related verse/hadith inside the flap. The space around the shape is given for the child’s customised art revolving around that shape (taking ideas from “art techniques to try” given with it). Shape and colour name along with hadith/verse reference are given on the page where “points to ponder” are also mentioned to initiate deep conversations about Jannah. All the shapes are followed by a journaling section based around what the kids would want to FEEL in Jannah, along with 1 du’a for Jannah to memorise.

You can discuss some fun facts from the book that our skin is the organ of touch which can feel 4 basic sensations: cold, heat, pain, and contact (pressure, vibrations, and texture). Nerves in the skin send these sensations to the brain, that makes us feel. Our fingers can feel all kinds of textures: smooth, soft, hard, rough, bumpy, slippery, prickly, and the list goes on… But it’s not just our fingers and skin that can feel, our other 4 senses feel too. We can feel warm and happy just by looking at someone smiling. We can feel pain just by hearing someone in distress. We can feel pressure in our stomach just by smelling something unpleasant. We can feel everything we taste as it travels inside our body subhaanAllah.
In this section, my 5yr old has written captions like:
In jannah, I want to go to the shop and pick up dolls without paying.
In jannah, I want happy babies who won’t bite (her little baby sister used to bit her when she was young).
In jannah, I want to save Yunus (السلام عليه) from the belly of the whale.
In jannah I want to be super and fly with the angels.
In jannah, I want to play sister-sister with my sister.

What your child will gain from this Islamic Journal in shaa Allah:
Although the journal is geared towards 6+ aged kids who can write, I’ve personally used the Jannah quotes and ahadith part with my 3 year old daughter too (who is 5 now and loves exploring art techniques in the journal). We started our night ritual of Jannah discussions around 2 years ago and it has brought so many positive changes in her life alhamdulillah that I try to never leave this ritual even when I’m bone-tired. Seeing how positive reinforcement helped kids more than any kind of punishment or threats, we brought the journal to life. Their love of Allah deepened to the point where I would find “I love Allah” written in their drawings and their belongings. And they would ask to be left alone so they can make dua to Allah whenever they felt stressed. They became more kind to people around them. They fought less with their siblings. They would recite Quran and perform Salah without any reminder just because they wanted more “jannah points” (rewards that ultimately lead us to Jannah with Allah’s mercy) alhamdulillah. Haadha min fadli Rabbi. May Allah guide us all and then keep us steadfast.

So I pray that your child (and even you) can benefit from this journal in the following ways (and much more…in shaa Allah):
1) Love of Allah and Islam in general when there is positive reinforcement involved.
2) Knowledge of your child’s deepest desires that are not bound by the limits of this world. If you (as a parent) are doing this with your child, I pray that it not only brings you two closer to Jannah, but also closer to each other by knowing each other’s deepest wishes and aspirations.
3) Learning simple and complicated colour names.
4) Learning basic and advanced shapes along with how symmetry works as kids fold the shape in half.
5) Art techniques ranging from pencil colours to paints and craft ideas ranging from nature art to recycled art.
6) Ability to reflect and imagine through “points to ponder” given with each Jannah verse/hadith.
7) Bonding through discussions of Jannah. Me and my 5yr old do this every single night and we have become fond of our bedtime routine because it feels like such a good way to wind down and relieve the stress of the whole day alhamdulillah.
8) Expanding children’s imagination and creativity by engaging their 5 senses.
9) Better knowledge of 5 human senses through knowledge of how they work in this world while getting to know some fun facts about how animals’ senses work as well.
10) Mindfulness (physical – being aware of their senses, emotional – awareness of their feelings and how it impacts them and people around them, and spiritual – instilling ihsan in everything they do because they have something tangible to achieve in aakhirah).

How to buy this (100+ pages) journal:
Print (softcover – 8.5×8.5 inches) from Amazon:
Price: $25 USD
You can try any of these purchase links if the above doesn’t work and see if any of these ship to your country:
UK: (£19.16)
Germany: (23,71 €)
France: (23,38 €)
Italy: (23,05 €)
Japan: (¥2,899)
Canada: (CDN $33.54)
Print (3D hardcover – 10×10 inches) from re-sellers around the world:
The difference between Amazon version and this one is the difference in material, size, and binding etc. This one is spiral bound (with a protective jacket) and has pre-existing 3D lift-a-flaps on thick recycled kraft paper with cardboard fold-away mosque structure on the front cover – with 1 sticker sheet and 6 stencil sheets inside.
RRP: $35 USD / £25 GBP
Retailers around the world
Canada: easterntoybox
India: @interactivenamaaz_india
Maldives: @undhoali (out of stock)
Pakistan: the literary junction ; @dijasbookclub (
South Africa: suhaylakids
UAE: deensquare (out of stock); @overbookedatm (out of stock); @muslimchildrenlibrary
UK: anafiyagifts
After almost 3 years of hard work and research, Jazakumullah khairan katheera to all of YOU for making this a reality! May Allah put barakah in your purchase and may you fall in love with Allah through His blessings in this world and what He has saved for you in the world hereafter (in shaa Allah).
We used the ebook last year to explore the hadith and ayaat about jannah last year. We loved it so much so that we actually looked forward to doing the crafts and I even reviewed it on my blog
I am looking forward to the real hard version to come out soon. May Allah put barakah in this for you. Ameen
aameen. Jazakillah khairan katheera for your support by purchasing the products. It helps us create more Islamic resources and give back to the ummah <3
Inshallah if Allah blesses me with children, I hope resources like these are available for me to help increase their Emaan and connection with Allah because these are amazing! Interesting fact about the animals and how we could see the colours they do. It’s making me wonder of the infinite possibilities if Allah blesses me with Jannah. Mashallah I can see how much Emaan your children have by reading what they want from Jannah.
Enjoyed reading this post immensely!
aameen. Jazakillah khairan katheera. May Allah grant you righteous children who become sadaqah jaariyah for you! <3 and May Allah keep us all steadfast on deen.
Mash’Allah sounds wonderful and a wonderful resource for the children! I must say I did smile at some of the things your 5 year old wrote including: In jannah, I want happy babies who won’t bite! 🙂
haha poor kid was fed up of her teething baby sister I guess :p
May Allah bless you for your great efforts ,.. ameen