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Self Care Goals for busy mums - 7 practical goals to set on How to take care of yourself when you are taking care of everything and everyone - especially as a homeschooling mum. (or as any exhausted mum out there who could use some self love and care).
Steps to teach kids about Ramadan - inculcating the love of fasting in their hearts through knowledge and consistency.
Month 4 of Productivity Course for Muslims with topics from "I WILL in shaa Allaah" islamic journal - Quran Log (Tafsir Tracker), Self Exploration, Life Priorities & Perspective Shift. (Bonus Challenge: memorizing Quran) + Free Islamic Printable Bundle of the Month (8 freebies included)
Real Life Examples on Perspective Shift from the lives of Prophets in Islam (how to handle failure in life and turn it into success with the shift of mindset and tawakkal Allah). Prophet Adam (as), Nuh (as), Ibrahim (as) and Muhammad (saws). 4 out of many Prophetic examples in Islam on overcoming hardships.
Time management tips for working and/or student moms. How-to better manage your time to ensure productivity and dedicate more time to your children. Practical on how to be more efficient as a professional woman and as a mother. Being a working mother is overwhelming, there are simple things you can do to make the most out of your time. Such as planning, delegating, switching off social media and more.
strengths, weaknesses, productivity journal for muslims, self awareness , self exploration
by Nida Monis When was the last time you took time to explore your inner-self? Ask yourself questions like, What do I want? What's my purpose...
top ten, most popular posts, best of ayeina, islamic lists, #AlhamdulillahForSeries , #iWILLinshaAllah , gratitude journal for Muslims, productivity journal for muslims, islamic journals, muslim journals, journals for muslims, art journal for muslims, islamic self help, islamic psychology, muslim homeschooling, islamic homeschool, islamic parenting, islamic education, raising muslim kids
Top ten popular posts of an Islamic blog AYEINA from each year since 2015 (run by two Muslim moms who are sisters by birth but best friends by choice) - There's a short preview of each year as well, highlighting our journey of introducing Islamic Journals and Islamic fabric quiet books in the Muslim world.
#AlhamdulillahForSeries gratitude journal, expectations, forgiveness, gratitude, grudges, memorization tracker, self awareness, personal resolutions, gratitude list, productivity journal for muslims, productivity journal for Muslims, Islamic journal, journal for muslims, muslim journal, self help for muslims, personal development, spiritual development, journal to strengthen your relationships, halal relationships, goals and dreams, financial independence, perspective shift, gratitude journal, dua list, dua diary, dua planner, i will in shaa Allaah, motivational journal, dream journal, stress management, mood tracker, prayer tracker, charity chart, hajj budget plan, adhkaar chart, fasting plan, facing fears, istikhara, 99 names of Allah, memorization tracker, dawah plan, positive affirmations, social life tracker, skill development, self love, self exploration, self awareness, sunnah log, health care goals, self care goals, declutter plan, ayeina, samina farooq, ayesha farooq, zayeneesha, i will in shaa Allaah, motivation from quran and sunnah, positivity journal, in shaa Allaah journal, shukr journal, istikhara dua free printable, free islamic print, download free islamic wallpaper, free printable for muslims, free dua printable, print free dua and learn, learn dua, get dua accepted, Allah answers duas, how to not do istikhara, dreams after istikhara, dreams of a muslim, interpretation of dreams in islam, seeking guidance from Allah, istikhara for marriage, istikhara for job, how to do istikhara, teach sadaqah to kids - charity in islam - zakat - 5th pillar of islam, stress management in islam, maintaining kinship ties in islam, facing your fears
Month 3 of Productivity Course for Muslims with topics from "I WILL in shaa Allaah" islamic journal - Memorization Tracker for 99 names of Allah, Self Awareness, Personal Resolutions & Gratitude List. (Bonus Challenge: Setting Short and Long Term Goals) + Free Islamic Printable Bundle of the Month (7 freebies included)
[A personal experience after death of my son] - Simple steps to introduce the concept of death to a Muslim child in a most natural and positive way - talking to them about life hereafter (grave, sadaqah jaariyah, barzakh, iliyyeen, sijjeen, munkar nakeer, jannah & the circle of life upon which this world revolves).
what is forgiveness? Why we hold grudges? and how to forgive even when it seems impossible to forget - a perspective of psychology and Islam on letting go.