Productivity 2: Charity, Stress, Kinship Ties & Fears
Month 2 of Productivity Course for Muslims with topics from "I WILL in shaa Allaah" journal - Charity Chart, Stress Management, Maintaining Kinship Ties & Facing Fears. (Bonus Challenge: Zakat Chart) + Free Islamic Printable Bundle of the Month
Do’s and Don’ts of Istikhara (+FREE dua printable)
How to do istikhara (a step by step guide + free dua printable and audio/video files to help you memorize it) & instructions on how to not do it - removing misconceptions around salat-ul-istikharah.
When Was The Last Time You De-cluttered Your Mind?
Mental Decluttering - a declutter plan on how you can lighten your mental load to make time for things that are more important in shaa Allah.
Practical Steps to Pray on Time
Have you been struggling to pray on time? Especially as a mother of small kids? Here are the practical steps and quick tips to help you pray on time amidst your busy schedule in shaa Allah.
Productivity Journal for Muslims (I will in shaa Allaah)
Islamic Productivity Journal will give you templates &prompts along with watercolor illustrations in each category that will spark reflection & motivation - categories include: spiritual and personal development, exercises to strengthen relationships and define your goals.
Letter to a Muslim Mum – You’re Not Alone!
Dear Muslim Mum, what part of your spirituality & motherhood makes you feel alone?
Share it with us & witness mothers from around the world come for your support <3
Ultimate List of FREE Eid Printables (UPDATED: 2023)
List of Free printable Eid Party Packs - Table Decor, Eid Banner/ Garland/ Flags/ Bunting, Cards/ Posters, Eid Envelopes/ Wrapping Sheets/ Boxes and Eid Gift Tags/Stickers
Confessions of a Practicing Muslim (+FREE Ramadan Printables) – Updated: 2023
Confessions of a practicing Muslim who suffers through the weakness of imaan and now awaits Ramadan anxiously to bring back that strength - this poem is a simple way to address the issue of expecting perfection from someone who can easily be identified as a Muslim - who LOOKS so Muslim.
Funeral of a Child in Islam (+ Islamic Resources on Death)
Step by step guide on all the funeral rites of a Muslim child - (can also be used for adults). Free illustrated printable of shrouding steps inside for ease + summarized ghusl and funeral prayer steps.
How to Teach Kids Arabic as a Second Language
List of resources and advice from Arabic teachers etc. to help instill the love of Arabic in kids from a very young age - to help them learn and understand Qur'an better once they grow up in shaa Allah - refer to the previous post for more steps.