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Monthly Archives: March 2020

How to Help Kids Love Quran and Sunnah (without forcing it...

Practical examples on how to teach kids Quran and Sunnah while helping them fall in love with Allah and His Messenger ﷺ. This blog post explores strategies which can help kids become self-motivated to do the right thing in shaa Allah. Use "AYEINA10" code for 10% discount on Quran Moon Lamp and Islamic BSL book for kids.

30 Ramadan Crafts for Kids Based on Muslim Books

Muslim kids need representation in the books they read to be able to strengthen their identity and Islamic books to strengthen their faith - so scroll through to find 30 crafts based on 30 Islamic and Muslim books. This can be ideal for Ramadan, but works even when kids are on their school break or after school or when you are looking for ways to add some creativity in your homeschool.
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