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Yearly Archives: 2015

Generation of a Thinking is a Feeling

Few years back when I gave a brief presentation on this topic, it stirred quite a controversy among the listeners, who’d perhaps thought of the heart as no more than a mushy, bawling-over-love organ. But after years of studying Quran, Hadith, and Arabic, I stand my ground even more firmly: generation of a thinking is a feeling. I don’t have much scientific support for this but the hadith and the verses from Quran speak for themselves. I do hope that someday, someone will make an extensive scientific research on this topic.

Long Awaited Home

Sometimes I just don't feel like living... not like a forever-not-living feeling! But I need a break, break from motherhood, break from wife-hood, break from simply being human. Break from the perpetual civil war that I am in which so many souls are fighting to survive, destroying each other in the process...

10 Islamic Etiquettes when Visiting Public Toilets

I’m sure that it’s an international issue, but I’m going to specifically discuss public washroom around the religious sanctities. Since tahara (cleanliness) is half our faith, but in my travels, it has become clear that people don’t understand how to behave in them, let alone taking care of tahara. Yes, it’s a fairly gross subject but this dormant “loo-phobia” you may have, could soon be defeated by nature hitting its panic button on you.

The Don’ts of Mosque Manners

10 Mosque etiquettes explained with a tinge of halal humor along with a relevant hadith. Things not to do in the masjid - especially this Ramadan when you go for taraweeh. (images by Zed and Q)