We believe collaborations are the quickest lanes towards growth and success and we rise by lifting each other up, so if you feel that we can empower each other through collabs (one of the reasons why we run a campaign #MuslimsCollab each year), please feel free to send your idea to editor@ayeina.com – as crazy as it may sound, we’ll be all ears!
If you’re looking to market your product/business to our audience, please refer to “Advertise With Us” page.If you want to submit a guest post, then please refer to our “Submissions” page.
All other ideas go into the collaboration section! Following are some of the many ways Ayeina has collaborated with other businesses, bloggers, entrepreneurs and other amazing individuals in the past.
Here’s to Collaboration instead of competition!
1) All things #AlhamdulillahForSeries
A) Watercolor Cards/Colorable Art Cards
Examples: Vivaqueenbee gives out these #AlhamdulillahForSeries cards to their customers with each purchase and MyIlmBox (a subscription box for Muslim kids) printed out these #AlhamdulillahForSeries posters for kids to color in and reflect upon the signs from Allah in plants.
B) Reviews
All the reviews and features get linked HERE. If you talk about using these journals as a part of your gratitude project, please tag us and we’ll make you a part of this list in shaa Allah
C) Sponsoring your giveaway/ Contest/ Paid content
We’ve offered our Islamic journals for different contests around the world (mostly digital but sometimes print version as well). If you have a contest going on or running a paid webinar/course and you think that this journal can compliment your niche, then feel free to reach out ❤ (for eg: In Digital goodie bag of Layla’s homeschool convention)
D) Affiliation
If you want to sell our digital journals forward and earn a commission in the process, feel free to REGISTER HERE.
2) Art and Design
Please note that we only take few of these projects each year so if you want to collaborate, try to book sooner than later.
A) Art prints
Halal Goodies/Noor Box/Genuine Articles/The Gingerbread Box etc. offered our designs in their subscription boxes – from inspirational quotes/verses to recipe cards etc.

B) Illustration / Book cover design
We usually work with watercolors and intricate art designs (or mixture of both). Please note that we don’t draw faces. Full books designed so far: I love Muhammad (saw) by The odd muslimah and ABC words of Islam by myshelfsg

C) Stylized Photography / Flatlays
D) Logo Design

Recent logo designs (2019):
E) AD banner design
F) Social Media Graphics
3) Website/Social Media tasks
So many newbies want to learn the process of blogging, publishing a book, graphical design or marketing etc. So they ask if they can collaborate with AYEINA and we welcome them wholeheartedly. Whoever is interested can choose to do any of the below tasks:
A) Social Media management
Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – wherever your expertise lie 🙂
B) Editor
We get a lot of guest submissions. So if you’d like to help with editing, we’d love to make you a part of the team where we help you grow and you help us grow ❤
C) Design work
From designing featured image to #AlhamdulillahForSeries posters, graphical work never ends, does it! if you know photoshop, we love you 😀
Have other cool ideas?We’re totally listening!Hit us up!